A comprehensive multi-disciplinary overview of the very latest research on ageing, concentrating on three major themes: active ageing, design for ageing well and the relationship between ageing and socio-economic development.
This volume and its companion, The new dynamics of ageing volume 2, provide comprehensive multi-disciplinary overviews of the very latest research on ageing. It reports the outcomes of the most concerted investigation ever undertaken into both the influence shaping the changing nature of ageing and its consequences for individuals and society.
This book concentrates on three major themes: active ageing, design for ageing well and the relationship between ageing and socio-economic development. Each chapter provides a state of the art topic summary as well as reporting the essential research findings from New Dynamics of Ageing research projects. There is a strong emphasis on the practical implications of ageing and how evidence-based policies, practices and new products can produce individual and societal benefits.
Alan Walker is Professor of Social Policy and Social Gerontology at The University of Sheffield. He is a Fellow of the British Academy, holds lifetime achievement awards from the British Gerontological Society and the Social Policy Association and was the ESRC’s first Impact Champion (2013). He directed the New Dynamics of Ageing Programme 2005-14.
Author/Editor details at time of book publication.