Interprofessional Education and Training

A thorough introduction to IPE in health and social care for students. This second edition includes updates to research and policy contexts and provides an essential set of IPE ‘do’s and don’ts’.

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A thorough introduction to IPE in health and social care for students. This second edition includes updates to research and policy contexts and provides an essential set of IPE ‘do’s and don’ts’.

John Carpenter is Professor of Social Work and Applied Social Science at the University of Bristol, UK, where 25 years ago he designed, ran and evaluated one of the first pre-qualifying programmes of interprofessional education in England. He has since completed comprehensive, longitudinal evaluations of the outcomes of postqualifying interprofessional education in mental health. His current research includes evaluating the outcomes of interprofessional and interagency training for safeguarding children (child protection).

Helen Dickinson is a researcher at the Health Services Management Centre, with an interest in evaluating the outcomes of health and social care partnerships. Recent research and consultancy work include producing research-based but accessible discussion papers for funders such as the Wanless Review of the funding of adult social care, the NHS Institute and the Care Services Improvement Partnership.

Author/Editor details at time of book publication.