Part 1: Early life and career to the end of 1941

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  • Poverty and Population, London, Macmillan, 1938.

  • Our Food Problem: A Study of National Security, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1939 (with F. Le Gros Clark).

  • Parents Revolt: A Study of the Declining Birth-Rate in Acquisitive Societies, London, Secker and Warburg, 1942 (with K. Titmuss).

  • Birth, Poverty and Wealth: A Study of Infant Mortality, London, Hamish Hamilton Medical Books, 1943.

  • Report on Luton, Luton, The Leagrave Press, 1945 (with F. Grundy).

  • Problems of Social Policy, London, HMSO, 1950.

  • The Cost of the National Health Service in England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1956 (with B. Abel-Smith).

  • Social Policies and Population Growth in Mauritius, London, Methuen and Co, 1961 (with B. Abel-Smith, and assisted by T. Lynes).

  • The Health Services of Tanganyika: A Report to the Government, London, Pitman Medical, 1964 (with B. Abel-Smith, G. Macdonald, A. Williams, and C. Wood).

  • The Gift Relationship: From Human Blood to Social Policy, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1970.

  • The Gift Relationship: From Human Blood to Social Policy, New York: Pantheon Books, 1971.

  • Social Policy: An Introduction, London, George Allen and Unwin (ed B. Abel-Smith and K. Titmuss).

  • Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, London, Allen and Unwin, 1958.

  • Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, London, Unwin University Books, 2nd edn 1963, includes The Irresponsible Society.

  • Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, London, George Allen and Unwin, 3rd edn 1976.

  • Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, Bristol, Policy Press, 2018.

  • Commitment to Welfare, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1968.

  • Commitment to Welfare, New York, Pantheon Books, 1968.

  • Problems of Population: Handbooks for Discussion Groups, No 9, London, Association for Education in Citizenship, 1943 (?).

  • ‘The Statistics of Parenthood’, in Sir J. Marchant (ed), Rebuilding Family Life in the Post-War World, London, Odhams, 1945, pp 7–24.

  • ‘War and Social Policy’, in Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, pp 75–87.

  • ‘The Position of Women: Some Vital Statistics’, in Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, pp 88–103.

  • ‘Some Fundamental Assumptions’, Old Age in the Modern World: Report of the Third Congress of the International Association of Gerontology, London 1954, Edinburgh, E. & S. Livingstone, 1955, pp 45–9.

  • The Social Division of Welfare: Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 1956. Reprinted in Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, pp 34–55.

  • ‘The National Health Service in England: Some Aspects of Structure’, in Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, pp 133–51.

  • ‘The National Health Service in England: Some Facts about General Practice’, in Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, pp 152–77.

  • ‘The National Health Service in England: Science and the Sociology of Medical Care’, in Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, pp 178–202.

  • The Irresponsible Society: Fabian Tract 323, London, The Fabian Society, 1960.

  • ‘Introduction’, R.H. Tawney, Equality, London, George Allen and Unwin, new edn 1964, pp 9–24.

  • ‘Planning for Ageing and the Health and Welfare Services’, in R.M. Titmuss, Commitment to Welfare, pp 91–103.

  • ‘Health’, in M. Ginsberg (ed), Law and Opinion in England in the Twentieth Century, London, Stevens and Sons, 1959. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 228–46.

  • ‘Sociological and Ethnic Aspects of Therapeutics’, in P. Talalay (ed), assisted by J.H. Murnaghan, Drugs in Our Society, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1964, pp 243–53. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 218–27.

  • The Welfare State: Objectives in Israel: Reflections on Britain: Pamphlet no 7, London, The Anglo-Israel Association, 1965.

  • ‘Social Policy and Economic Progress’, in National Conference on Social Welfare, The Social Welfare Forum, 1966, New York, Columbia University Press, 1966. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 153–165.

  • ‘Goals of Today’s Welfare State’, in P. Anderson and R. Blackburn (eds), Towards Socialism, Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 1966, pp 354–65.

  • ‘Postscript to Ethics and Economics of Medical Care, August 1967’, in Commitment to Welfare, pp 263–8.

  • ‘Time Remembered’, in Commitment to Welfare, pp 50–51.

  • ‘Welfare State and Welfare Society’, in Commitment to Welfare, pp 124–37.

  • ‘The Subject of Social Administration’, in Commitment to Welfare, pp 13–24.

  • ‘Models of Redistribution in Social Security and Private Insurance’, in Commitment to Welfare, pp 173–87.

  • ‘Planning for Ageing and the Health and Welfare Services’, in Commitment to Welfare, pp 91–103.

  • ‘The University and Welfare Objectives’ and ‘Concluding Remarks’ in I. Katz and H. Silver (eds), The University and Social Welfare, Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, 1969. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 25–36.

  • ‘The Culture of Medical Care and Consumer Behaviour’, in F.N.L. Poynter (ed), Medicine and Culture, London, Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine, 1969, pp 129–37.

  • ‘The Right to Social Security’, in R.M. Titmuss and M. Zander, Unequal Rights, London, CPAG, 1968, pp 7–10.

  • Choice and the ‘Welfare State’, London, The Fabian Society, 1967. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 138–52.

  • ‘New Guardians of the Poor in Britain’, in S. Jenkins (ed), Social Security in International Perspective: Essays in Honor of Eveline M. Burns, New York, Columbia University Press, 1969, pp 151–64.

  • ‘Social Security and Health’, Encyclopedia Americana: International Edition: Vol 13, New York, Americana Corporation, 1971 (with M.J. Reddin), pp 251–4.

  • ‘Man-Power and Health’, The Spectator, 26 May 1939, pp 896–7.

  • ‘Can the Poor Save?’, The Spectator, 23 February 1940, pp 224–5.

  • ‘The Cost of Living and Dying’, The New Statesman and Nation, 5 April 1941, p 357.

  • ‘Planning and the Birth-rate’, Town and Country Planning, XI, 33, 1941, pp 83–5.

  • ‘Eugenics and Poverty’, Eugenics Review, 33, 4, January 1942 (with F. Lafitte), pp 106–12.

  • ‘The Effect of the War on the Birth Rate’, Eugenics Review, 34, 1, April 1942, p 12.

  • ‘Recent German Vital Statistics’, The Lancet, II, 1942, p 434.

  • ‘Epidemiology of Juvenile Rheumatism’, The Lancet, II, 1942, pp 59–63 (with J.N. Morris).

  • ‘The Significance of Recent Birth-Rate Figures’, Eugenics Review, 35, 2, July 1943, pp 36–8.

  • ‘Fewer Children: The Population Problem’, Current Affairs, No 83, The Army Bureau of Current Affairs, December 2nd 1944

  • ‘The Social Environment and Eugenics’, Eugenics Review, 36, 2, July 1944, pp 53–8.

  • ‘Health and Social Change I: The Recent History of Rheumatic Heart Disease’, The Medical Officer, Aug/Sept 1944, pp 69–71 (with J.N. Morris).

  • ‘Epidemiology of Peptic Ulcer: Vital Statistics’, The Lancet, II, 1944, pp 841–55 (with J.N. Morris).

  • ‘Parenthood and Social Change’, The Lancet, II, 1948, pp 797–9.

  • ‘Social Administration in a Changing Society’, British Journal of Sociology, 2, 3, 1951, pp 183–97. Reprinted in Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, pp 13–33.

  • ‘The Hospital and its Patients’, The Hospital, June 1952, pp 417–25. Reprinted in Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, pp 119–32.

  • ‘The Cost of Medical Care: American Experience and the NHS’, Lancet, I, 1952, pp 605–6.

  • ‘The Age of Pensions I – Public Service Provision for Retirement’, The Times, 29 December 1953, p 7.

  • ‘The Age of Pensions II – Superannuation and Social Policy’, The Times, 30 December 1953, p 7.

  • ‘Industrialization and the Family’, Social Service Review, 31, 1, 1957, pp 54–62. Reprinted in Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, pp 104–18.

  • ‘Community Care as Challenge’, The Times, 12 May 1959, p 11.

  • ‘Ethics and Economics of Medical Care’, Medical Care, 1, 1, 1963, pp 16–22. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 247–68.

  • ‘The New Language of Inequality’, New Statesman, 21 September 1962, pp 354–5.

  • ‘Care – or Cant?’, The Spectator, 17 March 1961, pp 354–5. Reprinted in H. Freeman and J. Farndale (eds), Trends in the Mental Health Services, Oxford, Pergamon Press, and in Commitment to Welfare, pp 104–9.

  • ‘The Limits of the Welfare State’, New Left Review, 1/27, Sept/Oct 1964, pp 28–37.

  • ‘Role of the Family Doctor Today in the Context of Britain’s Social Services’, The Lancet, I, 1965, pp 1–4.

  • ‘The Relationship between Schools of Social Work, Social Research, and Social Policy’, International Social Work, 4, 1, 1965, pp 4–9. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 37–47.

  • ‘Poverty vs. Inequality: Diagnosis’, The Nation, 8 February 1965, pp 130–3.

  • ‘The Role of Redistribution in Social Policy’, Social Security Bulletin, 1 June 1965, pp 14–21. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 188–99.

  • ‘Child Endowment Reappraisal’, The Times, 4 October 1965, p 11 and ‘Plan for Children in Poverty’, The Times, 5 October 1965, p 11. Reprinted as ‘Child Poverty and Child Endowment’, in Commitment to Welfare, pp 166–72.

  • ‘Social Work and Social Service: A Challenge for Local Government’, Journal of the Royal Society of Health, January 1966, pp 19–21. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 85–90.

  • ‘The Welfare Complex in a Changing Society’, The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 45, 1, 1967, pp 9–23. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 72–84.

  • ‘Universal and Selective Social Services’, New Statesman, 15 September 1967, pp 308–10. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 113–23.

  • ‘The Relationship between Social Security Programmes and Social Security Benefits: An Overview’, International Social Security Review, 20, 1, 1967, pp 57–66, reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 59–71.

  • ‘Trading in Human Capital’, Science Journal, 3, 6, June 1967, p 3.

  • ‘Universal or Selective? The Practical Case against the Means-Test State’, New Statesman, 15 September 1967, pp 308–10. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare, pp 113–23.

  • ‘The Great Poverty Muddle’, The Guardian, 29 October 1970, p 13.

  • ‘Welfare “Rights”, Law and Discretion’, Political Quarterly, 42, 2, 1971, pp 113–32.

  • ‘A Commentary’, in Sir H.N. Bunbury (ed), Lloyd George’s Ambulance Wagon: Being the Memoirs of William J. Braithwaite, 1911–1912, London, Methuen, 1957.

  • ‘Preface’ in Titmuss, Essays on ‘The Welfare State’.

  • ‘Foreword’, in J.P. Martin, Social Aspects of Prescribing, London, William Heinemann, 1957.

  • ‘Foreword’, in M. Raphael, Pensions and Public Servants: A Study of the Origins of the British System, Paris, Mouton and Co, 1964, pp 13–17. Reprinted in Commitment to Welfare.

  • ‘Foreword’, in P. Jephcott, N. Seear, and J.H. Smith, Married Women Working, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1962.

  • ‘Foreword’, in J. Vaizey, The Costs of Education, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1958.

  • ‘Foreword’, in A. Forder, Social Casework and Administration, London, Faber and Faber, 1966.

  • ‘Preface’, in S. Mencher, Private Practice in Britain: The Relationship of Private Medical Care to the National Health Service: Occasional Papers on Social Administration no 24, London, G. Bell and Sons, 1967.

  • ‘Preface’, in Titmuss, Commitment to Welfare.

  • ‘Preface’, in G. Taylor and N. Ayres, Born and Bred Unequal, London, Longman, 1969.

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