School accountability reforms are being disseminated worldwide, although their adoption is not a homogeneous process – they are “selectively adopted” in diverse education systems and are locally vernacularized. Much attention has been paid to the role of international organizations in these processes, but less is known about the role of subnational spaces of government and their relationships with the national and international levels. This chapter explores the selective adoption and uses of accountability policy solutions in two regions of two different decentralized countries (Minas Gerais, Brazil and Madrid, Spain) to provide a multiscalar comparison of two accountability policy reforms. Methodologically, we conducted a multiple-case study with a comparative perspective based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with key informants (n=53). Based on the Cultural Political Economy (CPE) approach, the results of our research suggest that the decentralized nature of federal and quasi-federal states facilitated the adoption of standardized tests, whereas the administrative traditions acted as a hindering factor for the retention of accountability approaches. We argue that the administrative traditions and the institutional architecture of the state are key mediating factors to better understand how global reforms are adapted in different settings. The chapter identifies five dynamics of policy trajectories of accountability reforms in decentralized education systems: regional competition, ideological confrontation, subnational vernacularization, horizontal emulation and multiscalar policy interdependence.
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