Reproduction schemes (RS) are built for each of the five types identified in a typology of households (HH). These show the articulation of HH (via sales, purchases, taxes and transfers) with enterprises/government and are the foundation of the concept of HH’ well-being-sources (WBS), central to my critique of poverty measurement methods (PMM) and for IPMM. To conceptualise WBS, I define HH income; consumer goods/services as ready-to-consume use values; and consumption expenditures and actual consumption. I analyse savings/indebtedness, the determinants of consumption amount, diversity and quality knowledge/skills. Next, I establish equivalences between concepts included in the RS and WBS. As WB depends on the WBS identified (current income, non-basic assets, basic assets, access to free goods, knowledge/skills, free time), trends in social well-being (WB) will be the result of the evolution of their levels and distribution. Hence, poverty measurement must consider all WBS to avoid biased results as occurs with income poverty (or poverty line, PL) and unsatisfied basic needs (UBN) methods. I finish with a discussion of the concepts of needs, poverty, and satisfiers as well as a comparison of my WBS with lists of resources by diverse authors.
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