6: Examining the views and attitudes of health and social care professionals towards older trans people: findings from the Trans Ageing and Care study

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This chapter is about the perceptions and attitudes of health and social care professionals towards older trans people in the United Kingdom. Findings from the Trans Ageing and Care study highlighted the obstacles and discrimination trans people in mid to later life encounter when seeking to access medical transition services (Willis et al, 2020, 2021). We present descriptive survey findings from the same study. A total of 165 health and social care professionals across Wales completed an online questionnaire that assessed their knowledge about trans’ legal and medical issues in later life, and familiarity with trans individuals, among other knowledge domains. Findings indicate respondents are familiar with trans issues – with the media being the most popular source – and are generally supportive of trans civil rights. However, we also identified gaps. We conclude by outlining core components essential to developing a trans-inclusive training curriculum for health and social care professionals.

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