Trans older people are a group of ‘hidden victims’ due to very little literature on their experiences (Gelles, 1997, p 96), and there is a dearth of empirical work on trans people in later life. Trans people’s intimate and familial relationships are least explored in relation to intimate and domestic abuse and the environments in which this takes place. This lack of visibility of older people who are gender diverse, the failure to ask or record gender identity when people are accessing or using support services and/or the fear of sharing information by trans and non-binary individuals with professionals and service providers are all contributing factors in the failure in being able to screen, recognise and assess intimate partner violence and domestic abuse (DA). This chapter draws on the sparse but important body of work on trans DA along with some of the broader literature on identity abuse. This is used to articulate what can be learned to support trans people better in later life who have or may be experiencing DA. It highlights the epistemological, political and social context for trans DA and looks at barriers and challenges in identifying, reporting and responding to DA for trans people in later life given the lack of research and practice guidance in health and social care. We illustrate the barriers they may face in help seeking and summarise key points for informing improved practice in both prevention and interventions with older trans people in health and social care as well as some pointers for further research.
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