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Gender diversity is becoming increasingly visible within society, with more trans, non-binary and gender diverse people coming forward throughout the life course. In settings such as social care, welfare services, housing and associated health disciplines, practitioners and service providers will see an increasing number of trans and non-binary service users as more trans people ‘come out’ and existing trans populations age.

Drawing upon theoretical perspectives from social gerontology, as well as contemporary research and the direct lived experience of older trans and gender diverse people, the book focuses on practical support for ageing trans, non-binary and gender diverse people, with an emphasis on person-centred care. Expertise is contributed by scholars from a range of disciplines, with particular attention to the scholarship of trans, non-binary and gender diverse people.

The book is aimed at professionals and practitioners working internationally in a range of public and social welfare services for older people, as well as students training for such roles, and educators involved in delivering professional training. Each section concludes with practical learning activities, designed to support professional practice.

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