The People in Question

Citizens and Constitutions in Uncertain Times


Questions of citizenship and the role of constitutions in determining its boundaries are under scrutiny in this judicious and accessible analysis from Jo Shaw. With populism on the rise and debates about immigration intensifying, it draws on examples from around the world to set out the shifting boundaries of state inclusion and exclusion.

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At a time of rising populism and debate about immigration, leading legal academic Jo Shaw sets out to review interactions between constitutions and constructs of citizenship.

This incisive appraisal is the first sustained treatment of the relationship between citizenship and constitutional law in a comparative and transnational perspective.

Drawing on examples from around the world, it assesses how countries’ legal, political and cultural processes help to determine the boundaries of citizenship.

For students and academics across political, social and international disciplines, Shaw offers an accessible response to some of the most pressing international questions of our age.

Jo Shaw holds the Salvesen Chair of European Institutions at the University of Edinburgh and is a part-time professor in the New Social Research programme of Tampere University in Finland.

Author/Editor details at time of book publication.