The narrative potential of presenting research data creatively should offer the possibility of restorying the past and reimagining the future. The importance of creating a more contemporary and culturally competent approach to research data dissemination then became critical. In recognizing that few scholars have attempted to actualize the intersection of research data and the spoken word beyond the academy, the context for this development was set. Research impact centres on the understanding that generating knowledge by conducting research should contribute, benefit, influence, and transform the environment, culture, as well as the the wider society. To do so requires developing innovative approaches to producing knowledge that work alongside disseminating research data/findings using innovative and creative means. For most of my working life I have used creative approaches to my work – storytelling, poetry, theatre, and film in a variety of contexts and situations. However, the real challenge was to investigate how ‘creative dissemination’ of research data would stand up to scrutiny regarding issues concerning ‘validity’ and ‘reliability’. To my delight I discovered ‘bricolage research’. Bricolage research is a critical, multi-perspectival, multi-theoretical and multi-methodological approach to research inquiry. The French word ‘bricoleur’ describes a handyman/woman who makes use of the tools available to complete a task. Bricolage research in essence means unifying multiple qualitative research approaches. For progressive researchers using, a bricolage research approach creates an exciting new proposition. In October 2016 I was given a small development grant from Birmingham City University to develop the Data Verbalization Lab, an experimental space for individuals interested in using the data berbalization technique on their own research.
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