This chapter explains why viewers’ liability could and should be strict, rather than merely fault-based. Building on the discussion in Chapters 4 and 5 it further explains how a property-based understanding of privacy helps justifying both strict liability and its proper limits; thus avoiding excessive liability. Hence, this chapter makes three contributions: doctrinal, normative and conceptual. Doctrinally, it explains that (1) the misuse of private information tort (Privacy) is already understood as a stricter form of liability; (2) that liability under Privacy might be stricter than under breach of confidentiality (from which Privacy sprung) and the justifications for this difference; and (3) Privacy can therefore accommodate viewers’ strict liability for viewing NCII (Part 2). Normatively, it then explains how the concepts of possession, passive behaviour and reliance make viewers’ strict liability to be justified and not excessive (Part 3). Theoretically, it inquires how conceptualizing information as property justifies strict, rather than fault-based, liability for viewing, despite the fact that the act of viewing both misappropriates and destroys value (Part 4); it thus complements the analysis offered in Chapters 4 and 5.
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