In this first book in the Research in Rural Crime series, experts in rural criminology draw from theories of modernity, feminism, climate change, left realism and globalisation in a thought-provoking collection of essays.
What are the theoretical and conceptual framings of rural criminology across the world? Thinking creatively about the challenges of rural crime and policing, in this stimulating collection of essays experts in this emerging field draw from theories of modernity, feminism, climate change, left realism and globalisation.
This first book in the Research in Rural Crime series offers state-of-the-art scholarship from across the globe, and considers the future agenda for the discipline.
Matt Bowden is a Senior Lecturer at the Technological University Dublin and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the University of New England, Australia.
Alistair Harkness is a Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of the Centre for Rural Criminology at the University of New England, Australia.
Author/Editor details at time of book publication.