Labour Conflicts in the Digital Age

A Comparative Perspective

This book offers a complete view of the new labour conflicts in the platform economy. Through case studies in advanced economies in Europe and the US and with an original approach that combines social movement studies and industrial relations, it provides a radical interpretation on the changing nature of worker movements in the digital age.

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From Deliveroo to Amazon, digital platforms have transformed the way we work drastically. But how are these transformations being received and challenged by workers?

This book provides a radical interpretation of the changing nature of worker movements in the digital age, developing an invaluable approach that combines social movement studies and industrial relations.

Using case studies taken from Europe and North America, it offers a comparative perspective on the mobilizing trajectories of different platform workers and their distinct organizational forms and action repertoires.

This is an innovative book that offers a complete view of the new labour conflicts in the platform economy.

Donatella Della Porta is the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, the Director of the Center on Social Movement Studies (Cosmos) and the coordinator of the PhD program in Political Science and Sociology at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence.

Riccardo Emilio Chesta is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Scuola Normale Superiore and the Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Institute for Advanced Studies in Florence.

Lorenzo Cini is Marie Curie Skłodowska Research Fellow at the University College Dublin, where he is the principal investigator of the MSCA-IF-2020 research action COntesting GOvernance by NUmbers: The Mobilizations of Food Delivery Couriers across Europe in Time of the Pandemic (COGONU).

Author/Editor details at time of book publication.