This book aims to discover more about the drivers, contexts, and uneven levels of violence through the case studies of Chalatenango and Sonsonate in El Salvador and Pereira and Tunja in Colombia.
Trajectories of Governance studies the complex dynamics of order-making, violence and governance in peripheral cities in Latin America from a comparative, historical, and multi-scalar approach.
This book aims to discover more about the drivers, contexts, and uneven levels of violence through the case studies of Chalatenango and Sonsonate in El Salvador and Pereira and Tunja in Colombia.
Based on a multidisciplinary analytical framework, Trajectories of Governance explains why and how some peripheral cities have become the locus of violent orders, whereas others have managed to control violence, and to examine the role of violence in the workings of local governance.
Viviana García Pinzón is a Senior Researcher at the Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI) at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and an Associate at the Institute for Latin American Studies of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies GIGA.
Author/Editor details at time of book publication.