Linking research, policy and practice in welfare services and education in Norway

Terje Ogden Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development, University of Oslo, Norway

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Freja Ulvestad Kärki Norwegian Directorate of Health, Oslo, Norway

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Katrine Stegenborg Teigen Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Oslo, Norway

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In Norway, links between research, policy and practice are in a process of development, with initiatives to both strengthen the knowledge base for evidence-based policy and practice and increase the demand for research-based interventions. Examples of these initiatives from the fields of mental health, education and child welfare are provided, including institutions for research and development and the implementation of evidence-based programmes. The initiatives are set in the context of some basic facts about Norway and its research system. The implications of ‘importing’ evaluated intervention programmes from other countries are discussed, and the relative merits of a ‘what works’ or broader approach to evidence-based policy and practice are assessed.

Terje Ogden Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development, University of Oslo, Norway

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Freja Ulvestad Kärki Norwegian Directorate of Health, Oslo, Norway

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Katrine Stegenborg Teigen Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Oslo, Norway

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Evidence & Policy
A journal of research, debate and practice