The Logic of Party Coalitions with Political Activism

Michele G. Giuranno University of Salento, Department of Management and Economics, Centro ECOTEKNE, Via per Monteroni, 73100 Lecce - ITALY

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This paper considers an electoral equilibrium between two party coalitions. Each coalition is composed of two factions called activists and opportunists. Activists are interested in announcing a policy as close as possible to their ideal policy and are ready to contribute with vital electoral resources to die one’s own party coalition. Opportunists are interested only in winning elections and need the activists’ contributions to enhance their party valence. Thus, the two factions of each coalition negotiate on both policy platform and activists' contributions. Results show that, in equilibrium, the marginal rates of substitution between policy position and activists’ contributions must be the same for the two negotiating factions inside party coalitions. Furthermore, greater activism inside parties leads to policy divergence.

Michele G. Giuranno University of Salento, Department of Management and Economics, Centro ECOTEKNE, Via per Monteroni, 73100 Lecce - ITALY

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