Integrating superdiversity in urban governance: the case of inner-city Lisbon

Nuno Oliveira Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISCTE (CIES-IUL), Portugal

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Beatriz Padilla Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISCTE (CIES-IUL), Portugal

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This paper analyses how urban governance incorporated migration-driven superdiversity combining cultural and economic development policies. We use the case of Mouraria, a Lisbon neighbourhood, as a site where city strategies accommodate old and new diversities to render a cosmopolitan sense associated to a ‘diversity advantage’ approach. We identify three strategies shaping urban governance: de-ethnicisation of superdiversity and urban growth policies, diversity aestheticisation and the rationale of encounter, and place marketing and city branding. We find that urban governance in a superdiverse neighbourhood relies on policies of economic development and market creation that incorporate cultural diversity from a de-ethnicised perspective.

Nuno Oliveira Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISCTE (CIES-IUL), Portugal

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Beatriz Padilla Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISCTE (CIES-IUL), Portugal

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