Prompted by the scandal in 2018 concerning sexist behaviour at the Presidents Club’s charity gala in London in the UK and by the emerging literature within the field of philanthropy that finds generational differences in donor motivation and behaviour, this study examines whether the charity gala continues to be a relevant method of fundraising.
Taking a mixed-methods research approach, using surveys and interviews, the study captures the views and attitudes of 108 affluent donors and 53 fundraisers in the UK. Aside from a few minor differences, the study finds that donors across generations share similar attitudes towards galas, concluding that this fundraising method is still relevant, providing the charities have willing supporters with appropriate social networks.
The findings, of interest to scholars and practitioners alike, address a gap in empirical evidence regarding donor attitudes towards a specific type of fundraising as well as contributing to the broader discussion as to why people engage with philanthropy.
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