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Books: Textbooks

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Second Edition

The second edition of this best-selling book provides an essential guide to best practice in adult safeguarding. It has been updated to include recent legislative, guidance and research-based developments and relates them to useful practice examples.

Featuring new support materials and key case studies, it includes:

  • a focus on working with marginalised groups under the safeguarding and prevention duties, including ‘transitional’ safeguarding;

  • an exploration of best practice in light of changes to national guidance and research;

  • findings from a range of Safeguarding Adult Reviews with reflections on the outcomes of two national (England) Safeguarding Review Audits; and

  • an expansion of the concepts of professional curiosity and trauma informed/aware approaches.

Students and practitioners are guided to reflect on practice and to extend their skills, knowledge and values to become confident and competent in the complex area of adult safeguarding.

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Approved Mental Health Professionals are specialist professionals authorised to make ethically complex and difficult decisions on the behalf of people with severe mental health difficulties. In this complex and challenging role, AMHPs must possess and deploy a range of skills, knowledge and values. This invaluable handbook considers these challenges and provides in-depth guidance on all key aspects of the role, including:

• working with mental health law;

• risks and challenges in a Mental Health Act assessment;

• staying safe as an AMHP;

• resilience as a trainee and practitioner.

Packed with helpful features such as illustrations, chapter summaries, discussion questions and further reading lists, this clear and concise book will be invaluable to students on AMHP and Best Interests Assessor programmes, as well as for professionals in the field.

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The experiences of older people

Drawing on key research, government policies and real-life case studies, the book assists health and social care professionals to work more effectively together in order to improve services for users and carers.

The health and social care divide:

explains why partnerships are important and what helps/hinders partnership working;

reviews the legal and policy framework, providing a chronological overview and placing current initiatives in their historical and social policy context;

summarises existing research findings with regard to key health and social care policy debates;

uses case studies to explore the implications of this research for health and social care practitioners;

provides good practice guidance for both students and front-line practitioners.

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In an ageing society, the health and well-being of older people has become a primary focus of concern for government, policy makers and practitioners. With moves towards greater integration of health and social care services, there is a need for improved understanding of the importance and benefits of a person-centred, holistic approach to work in these fields.

This accessible text, the produce of a collaborative venture between older people’s groups and academics, provides students, academics and practitioners across a wide range of health and social care professions, including, nursing, social work, social care and gerontology, with a guide to understanding the value of this approach.

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