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Books: Textbooks

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With debate about police ethics intensifying, this stimulating book considers afresh the fundamental role of officers and their relations with society.

• It is a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to ethical policing, taking a moral philosophical perspective to the evidence base and literature on the subject.

• Leading contemporary thinker Dominic Wood tackles the ethical issues of policing as a matter of compliance and discipline and reviews them in the context of contemporary challenges in policing and the wider criminal justice framework.

• From the parameters of moral policing to the role of human rights and to embedding ethics within police operations, this is a thorough overview of the subject of police ethics and legitimacy, and a springboard for further research and analysis.

A timely contribution to discussions about the police and their legitimacy, this is essential reading for all those studying, teaching and leading the profession.

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In a critical analysis of conventional understanding, leading authors Claire Davis and Marisa Silvestri present bold new conceptualisations of police leadership.

Drawing on empirical research in criminology, sociology and leadership studies, they present a thoughtful critique of the nature and practice of leadership in contemporary policing. The book:

- Critically explores the identities of leaders and their positions within wider organisational structures and processes;

- Provides a critique of contemporary reform to police professionalisation, training and education, equalities and diversity by situating these developments within wider historical, social and political contexts;

- Draws on critical theory to offer an alternative, challenging and novel interpretation of police leaders as not simply the result of individual experiences and attitudes, but of the social, institutional and historical processes of policing and the cultures that exist within it;

- Points towards future directions and a reimagining of leadership in the police.

Accessible and stimulating, this is an essential text for policing students and valuable reading for current leaders and those interested in policing, criminology and leadership.

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Research and Practice

Taking an evidence-based approach to understanding police culture, this thorough and accessible book critically reviews existing research and offers new insights on theories and definitions. Tom Cockcroft, an authority on the subject, addresses a range of contemporary issues including diversity, police reform and police professionalisation.

This invaluable review:

- Identifies and discusses differing conceptions of police culture;

- Explores the contribution of different disciplinary and methodological approaches to our understanding of police culture;

- Assesses how culture relates to many different operational aspects of policing;

- Contextualises our understanding of police culture in relation to both contemporary police agendas and wider social change.

For students, researchers and police officers alike, this is an accessible and timely appraisal of police culture.

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Challenges of Democracy and Accountability

How does society hold its police to account? It’s a vital part of upholding law and liberty but changing modes of policing delivery and new technologies call for fresh thinking about the way we guard our guards.

This much-needed new book from leading criminology professor Michael Rowe, part of the ‘Key Themes in Policing’ series, explores issues of governance, discipline and transparency. The landmark new study:

• Showcases how social change and rising inequalities make it more difficult to ensure meaningful accountability;

• Addresses the impact of Evidence-Based Policing strategies on the direction and control of officers;

• Sets out a game-changing agenda for ensuring democratic and answerable policing.

For policing students and practitioners, it’s an essential guide to modern-day accountability.

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Causes, consequences and remedies

Miscarriages of justice occur far more frequently than we realise and have the power to ruin people’s lives. It is crucial for criminal justice practitioners to understand them, given significant developments in recent years in law and police codes of practice.

This text, part of the Key themes in policing textbook series, is written by three highly experienced authors with expertise in the fields of criminal investigation, forensic psychology and law and provides an up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of miscarriages of justice. They highlight difficulties in defining miscarriages of justice, examine their dimensions, forms, scale and impact and explore key cases and their causes. Discussing informal and formal remedies against miscarriages of justice, such as campaigns and the role of the media and the Court of Appeal and the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), they highlight criticism of the activities and decision-making of the latter and examine changes to police investigation in this area.

Designed to incorporate ‘evidence-based policing’, each chapter provides questions reflecting on the issues raised in the text and suggestions for further reading.

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What are the current and future challenges in criminal investigation carried out by the police in the UK? How has the role of the detective changed over time and is there a real journey towards professionalism?

Written by an author with extensive practical and training experience, this book provides a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of the development and practice of criminal investigation. It examines decision-making within criminal investigations, from volume crime through to major and serious crime investigations and links investigative influences on policing with the evidence-based agenda. The book:

• discusses the move from the art and craft of detective work to a new science-based professionalism;

• contextualises the current position of investigation within the context of government austerity measures and the College of Policing and Government agendas;

• critically examines models of investigation such as the Core Investigative Doctrine and the Murder Investigation Manual;

• explores the legal framework for modern critical investigations and the role of the IPCC.

Part of Key themes in policing, a textbook series of evidence-based policing books for use within Higher Education curriculums and in practice, this book is suitable for policing and criminal justice programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

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Theory and practice

The police increasingly need to work with other government agencies, the third sector, community organisations and the private sector, an approach known as “Plural Policing”. This book critically analyses the rise of this approach in England and Wales over the past decade, giving examples of national and international practice. Written by an author with experience in both practice and academia, it discusses the consequences of this approach for the historical model of policing provision and challenges views on how policing should be delivered in the future.

Part of Key themes in policing, a textbook series designed to fill a growing need for research-informed policing within Higher Education curriculums and in practice, edited by Megan O’Neill, Marisa Silvestri & Stephen Tong, this accessible text, aimed primarily at undergraduate students, will appeal widely across different modules and tie into important issues covered on all policing courses.

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Although police intelligence is becoming increasingly reliant on technology, it remains a human activity. This is the first textbook to offer a comprehensive and up-to-date account of police intelligence work based on current research, and to assess how intelligence may be used wisely and ethically to influence policing policy and practice.

After explaining the basic tenets of intelligence, the author, who has extensive experience in the field, critically examines the development of intelligence structures and governance of contemporary intelligence collection. He goes on to assess the threats and opportunities to policing in the digital age, including the widespread use of social media and the emergence of ‘Big Data’.

Part of a new series for students and practitioners designed to reflect the importance of incorporating ‘evidence based policing’ within the curriculum and practice, this much-needed textbook covers not only the technical aspects of intelligence work but also encourages reflexivity in practice.

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