Our Caring without Sharing research project, funded by the Standard Life Foundation (now known as abrdn Financial Fairness Trust) and undertaken by Gingerbread and the Institute for Employment Studies (IES), was designed to fill a gap in the evidence base regarding the differential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on single-parent families. While, during the first national lockdown (March–June 2020), there was a considerable focus by policymakers and researchers on the experiences of certain groups including women, those in work, those on low incomes, and parents, for example, there was little specific consideration of the lived experiences of single parents, who frequently encapsulate a number of these identities. ‘Caring without Sharing’ sought to fill this gap, by exploring the working and caring situations of single parents in early 2020 and by following their working and caring journeys over the first year of the pandemic. It focused on the sub-group of single parents who it was envisaged would face the greatest challenges during the COVID-19 lockdowns, namely those who were not classified as ‘critical workers’ by the government. These single parents were unable to access emergency education and childcare, and so were required to work and care for their children both simultaneously and in isolation, given that childcare provided by those outside of the household was prohibited in the first lockdown.
A mixed methods design was adopted. Secondary quantitative data was analysed to understand the prevalence of different experiences and challenges among single parents, and how this compared with other family types, while new qualitative data was collected to enable us to understand the ways in which these experiences interacted to inform the lived experiences of single parents through the COVID-19 pandemic. We recruited a qualitative sample of 40 single parents in the summer of 2020, with quotas employed to ensure diversity on various work- and family-related characteristics, which it was envisaged would influence their experiences of working and caring
Each of these 40 single parents participated in a semi-structured qualitative interview in July or August 2020, as the UK emerged from the first national lockdown. Six months later, 33 of the original parents, who were contactable and willing to talk to us again, were re-interviewed. The two sets of interviews had a primarily retrospective focus, examining changes to, and challenges in, single parents’ working and caring lives over the previous six months in each instance, along with their expectations and concerns for the future. The opportunity to collect and analyse longitudinal qualitative data from single parents was invaluable, as it enabled us to track not just their actual working and caring journeys but to understand how these reflected and were informed by their expectations and fears (see Chapters 1, 3, and 9 for other examples of qualitative longitudinal research). Alongside this qualitative strand of work, IES undertook analysis of the government’s Labour Force Survey (LFS), to understand the extent to which single parents experienced various work-related developments, such as being furloughed, working from home, and becoming unemployed, compared with other family types (see Gingerbread, 2020, 2021). However, it is the qualitative longitudinal data collected from single parents on which this chapter concentrates, when exploring and illustrating their journeys through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Overview of findings
The single parents interviewed for this project provided a wealth of data about their experiences of working and caring during 2020 and 2021. Data from Caring without Sharing will serve as a historic record of single parents’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as informing policymaking going forward and contributing to its evaluation. In this chapter, we focus on three key themes to emerge from the data. While the first has been selected as it broadly encapsulates the difficulties facing single parents during the pandemic, the second and third were chosen as they are highly relevant to single parents’ future working and caring journeys, with employers, government, and policymakers having the potential to significantly improve the caring experiences and job outcomes for single parents in these particular areas.
Caring without sharing: an impossible balancing act
‘We have to follow the protocol of isolating. I can go to work apparently, but my son can’t go to school, but he can’t actually leave the house. So I am a single parent (and) you’re saying it’s okay for me to go to work but what do I do with my son if he’s obviously been in contact with somebody, so I can’t leave him with anyone? It just doesn’t make any sense.’
Such experiences, and the feelings of worry and guilt they engendered, contributed to widespread concerns among single parents about their and their children’s mental health. The impacts on mental health reflects a wider body of research, as well as our own analysis of LFS data, which shows that single parent families remain particularly at risk of negative outcomes in this area (Child Poverty Action Group, 2020; Fawcett Society, 2020). Our analysis found that, even at the outset of the pandemic, single parents were substantially more likely to report depression or bad nerves, compared with parents in couples, and these differences were sustained, as reports of negative mental health outcomes rose for all throughout the first year of the pandemic (see also Chapter 5).
More positively, however, our research did unearth evidence of mediating factors, which could improve the experiences of single parents working and caring in isolation and lessen the burden of responsibility placed upon them. Many single parents found that the introduction of support bubbles for single adult households in June 2020 eased their situations, as did the availability of pre-school childcare (and the greater availability of school places) in the third lockdown although, as single parents noted themselves, this was often offered at the discretion of schools, rather than reflecting national policy. Similarly, the greater level of provision and communication from schools, including the availability of live teaching, in the third lockdown reduced the responsibility placed on single parents to ‘teach’ their children – although it is worth noting that challenges remained for those with primary-aged children in particular, where considerable supervision was still required.
‘Because I worked five hours a day … they said that rather than me doing them between ten and three, which was the core school hours (where) I was getting distracted by children asking me questions and me trying to help them with their schoolwork as well. So work said that when the school day had finished, I could do my working day then. So my workday would then start at 3:30 until nine, ten o’clock in the evening.’
‘They did at one point tell me that it would be more flexible and I could log off and log back on later on if it suited me better, but when I tried doing that they complained to me and told me that I should be working to my hours.’
Encouragingly, however, data from our second set of interviews with single parents shows that employer flexibility was much more universal in the third lockdown (January–March 2021). While most employers were allowing single parents to fit their working hours around their caring responsibilities, some went even further, offering additional support with home-schooling in terms of resources, such as digital technology and time off for parents. However, in the minority of cases where employers were not supportive or flexible, this considerably exacerbated the challenges facing single parents and their feeling of stress – as a result of the necessity of making uncomfortable compromises, discussed previously.
In the next two sections, we examine two specific aspects of single parents’ working and caring journeys over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, both of which have significant long-term policy relevance – the shift to home-working and experiences of job insecurity.
A shift to home-working
‘for one, saving petrol. I used to spend £40 a week driving to [LOCATION] for four days … So obviously money wise I’ve saved. I can do hours that are quite suited to me, so if I’ve got something silly like a delivery coming between 10 and 11 I know not to work between then, or be on a call. So I can kind of cater it to me.’
On the other hand, Bethan, who worked as an analyst for a bank, described the limitations home-working placed on social interaction within her organisation and its negative impacts from a work perspective, emphasising: “Everything is harder remotely, everything. Everything has to be written up, every conversation, nothing happens easily. If I were at work, I’d pop to someone’s desk if I needed to chat about something work-related, and now you can’t do that, you have to schedule it in.” When we re-interviewed single parents in early 2021, attitudes to home-working had evolved markedly. For many, home-working had come to be viewed as the ‘new normal’, and there was clear evidence of a greater appreciation of its advantages and, among those who had originally disliked it, a resigned acceptance of its continuation. While Esther told us that: “Now I’ve got used to it, I think I actually prefer working from home than actually going into the office. I’ve just found it, as I’ve got into a routine, it’s easier,” Rowena emphasised that: “I miss people. [But] it is the norm now. It’s been almost a year.” Moreover, those single parents who viewed home-working negatively because of its impact on isolation, increasingly recognised the role of the national lockdowns in this regard and the fact that a return to office-based working would not resolve this problem entirely. This was the case for Kelly, who told us that:
‘If I asked to go in the office, it won’t be the same as what I had before, so I won’t be any happier, I don’t think, because I want to be with
people, I want to sit with people … so I don’t think I’d be any happier going back in the office with all this social distancing.’
Experiences of job insecurity
‘it’s all a bit uncertain for a lot of companies at the moment. The industry we’re in, it’s taken a big dip financially with the whole COVID-19, so it is a bit worrying. I don’t know if we’re going to survive this, but at the moment we’re just taking every day as it comes.’
‘I just worry about job security which I think everybody does … it’s something that’s started to worry me more. I think being at home, because I’m so used to being out busy travelling, talking to people, I’m worrying that I’m not doing enough … no one has said anything, I think it’s just something that’s playing on my mind.’
The translation of job insecurity into actual job losses was comparatively rare among the single parents we interviewed. Of our 40 research participants,
Case study
We can see how the themes described thus far can interact and inform the lived experiences of single parents, by considering the case of Marilyn – a single parent who we interviewed in the summer of 2020 and again in early 2021. Marilyn’s case demonstrates the particularly precarious nature of balancing work and care for single parents during the pandemic.
‘he went through a point where he was ringing with jobs and then they would turn out not to be suitable … he rang me with a few that were weekends and even though my mother is in my social bubble with me, she couldn’t really babysit because she is furloughed but when she goes back to work she is contracted every other weekend, so that wasn’t suitable.’
In early 2021, Marilyn also described how some companies who were initially interested in employing her to undertake call-centre work, lost interest when it became clear she could not attend the required full-time training courses before beginning part-time working-from-home roles.
When we spoke to Marilyn in the summer of 2020, she told us that she had already applied for over 50 jobs and was struggling to find work, an experience she had never encountered before. When we interviewed her again in early 2021, she explained that she had just started a role as a personal assistant, which she had found through a friend. While this job was not ideal, as it involved a lower number of hours, lower earnings, and cleaning, Marilyn concluded that it would “do for now” as it fitted in with her current caring commitments. Marilyn expressed an interest in retraining in the beauty industry at both points we spoke to her, but did not view this as a realistic option at the current point in time.
When we spoke in early 2021, a family member was helping to home-school Marilyn’s daughter, while she was out working. Marilyn acknowledged, however, that, had she been working during the autumn of 2020, it would have been extremely challenging to manage the several periods of self-isolation required of her daughter’s bubble, and that in all likelihood she would have needed to give up her job.
Policy implications
Since the end of the Caring without Sharing research project, the UK has come out of the third national lockdown and for single parents on out-of-work benefits there are renewed expectations for them to seek work through the work conditionality regime and reflected in their claimant commitment. The pandemic has significantly increased the number of single parents on Universal Credit (UC) to 1,271,057 in February 2021; they now make up a quarter of all UC claimants. In addition, UC rules mean that single parents must look for work when their youngest child is aged three. As we discovered during this research project, single-parent unemployment levels are already
The greater prevalence of home-working which emerged during the pandemic should not be viewed as the only solution to flexible working. Many single parents work in jobs that cannot be done from home. The Timewise Flexible Jobs Index showed that, at the start of 2020, just two in ten jobs were advertised with options to work flexibly (Timewise, 2020). A few months later, following the impact of the pandemic on work including a big shift towards home-working, ‘the dial barely moved in the jobs market’, other than a notable drop in advertised part-time roles. The Timewise Index concludes that there is a fractured job market with part-time work more likely among the lowest-paid jobs. Conversely, home-working and other flexible working options are disproportionately offered at higher salary levels. In other words, those single parents, on low incomes and in part-time roles, who are most likely to lose their jobs in the coming months are the least likely to benefit from the shift to home-working available to many during the pandemic – and so require other solutions to enable flexible working. For single parents, a broader change to how work is structured, including greater access to good-quality part-time work, is therefore needed.
At the end of our research project, we were disappointed that the government’s Employment Bill was delayed; a Bill that offered the legislative push for jobs to be advertised as flexible by default. While we wait for the Bill to progress, the government could legislate through amending the Flexible Working Regulations 2014 to make it a day-one right for employees to make a flexible working request. We also want the government to work with employers and employer bodies to emphasise the business case for greater flexibility in job roles and consider financially incentivising employers to divide full-time roles into job shares. To support this, we urge the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and the Flexible Working Task Force to work together to develop job-sharing as part of the flexible working menu in adapting to new ways of working after the pandemic.
The availability and cost of childcare will remain a significant barrier for single parents entering or moving into employment after the pandemic.
The cost of childcare also remains an ongoing concern for parents, and this is a particular issue for single parents who rely on one income to pay for childcare. While childcare costs can be supported within UC for those on a low income, those single parents who participated in our research who had moved over to the benefit during the pandemic expressed concern about meeting childcare costs and having to claim them back later. Single parents worried about being able to meet these costs when they moved into work or took on more hours of work and that the payment in arrears could push them into debt. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) needs to change the payment structure under UC so that childcare costs are made upfront rather than paying in arrears. In addition, the government needs to offer greater support for childcare including a national childcare deposit fund to help parents meet any other upfront costs of childcare when they enter work (such as deposits required by nurseries). The level of childcare costs that can be claimed under UC is also capped at a level set back in 2005 which means that, for many single parents, the promised 85 per cent of childcare support is not delivered. These caps need to be urgently reviewed by the Department for Education (DfE).
The concentration of single parents in the industries that have been hit hardest by the pandemic means that they are vulnerable to anticipated job cuts, including when the furlough scheme ends. Back-to-work support needs to address both the requirements of single parents to work and care on their own and the big hit to sectors which may not exist to the same extent after the pandemic. Single parents who were interviewed for the project and who lost their jobs during the first year of the pandemic were often unclear about where they should start in their job search or retraining. Since the start of the pandemic, the government has introduced a series of employment support schemes for claimants including the Restart scheme for those who have been unemployed for at least a year (GOV.UK, 2021). The government has almost doubled the number of work coaches (to 26,500) since the start of the pandemic including specialist support for disabled claimants and young people. Both these measures of support are welcome but there needs to be much more emphasis on tailored support within the government schemes and from work coaches for single parents. A change in mindset is also needed with longer-term job outcomes at the forefront of the design of back-to-work services for single parents. Many single parents
The Caring without Sharing research project provides vital insights into how the inequalities that single parents routinely face in their interactions with paid employment, and how these relate to the care demands they face, were intensified during the pandemic. There is the very real risk that these inequalities will worsen yet further unless policy action is directed at helping single parents to both work and care. While all types of families struggled to work and care during the pandemic our research shines a light on the additional barriers and challenges that single parents faced.
The pandemic has also shown that things can be done better; work can be structured in a more flexible way, and the Government can act quickly to develop new schemes of back-to-work support. But for single parents, the good practice of some employers and generalist back-to-work programmes will not be enough. A holistic view of the needs of single parents in their caring and working roles is needed by Government, in particular legislative change to ensure that more jobs are advertised as flexible by default and specialist back to work support. As the country moves on from the pandemic we want to ensure that single parents are not left behind, that they have the opportunities to move into sustainable jobs, work that makes the most of their skills with potential to progress while giving them time to also care for their children. Our next project, also funded by the Standard Life Foundation (now renamed as adrdn Financial Fairness Trust), will allow us to examine the experiences of unemployed single parents of finding new work and the roles and impact of new government employment schemes to support this.
Child Poverty Action Group and The Church of England (2020) Poverty in the pandemic: the impact of coronavirus on low-income families and children. Available at:
Coram Family and Childcare Trust (2021) Childcare survey. Available at:
Fawcett Society (2020) Parenting and Covid-19: research evidence. Available at:
Gingerbread (2020) Caring without sharing: single parents’ journeys through the Covid-19 crisis: interim report. Available at:
Gingerbread (2021) Caring without sharing: single parents’ journeys through the COVID-19 pandemic: final report. Available at:
Gingerbread (2022) The single parent employment challenge: job loss and job seeking after the pandemic. Interim report. Available at:
GOV.UK (2021) How the Restart scheme will work. Available at:
Office for National Statistics (2020) Parenting in lockdown: Coronavirus and the effects on work-life balance. Available at:
Ofsted (2021) Joiners and leavers in the childcare sector. Available at:
Timewise (2020) The Timewise Flexible Jobs Index 2020. Available at:
Timewise (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on part-time employees. Available at: