Foreword: Trans ageing


Gender diversity is becoming increasingly visible within society, with more trans, non-binary and gender diverse people coming forward throughout the life course. In settings such as social care, welfare services, housing and associated health disciplines, practitioners and service providers will see an increasing number of trans and non-binary service users as more trans people ‘come out’ and existing trans populations age.

Drawing upon theoretical perspectives from social gerontology, as well as contemporary research and the direct lived experience of older trans and gender diverse people, the book focuses on practical support for ageing trans, non-binary and gender diverse people, with an emphasis on person-centred care. Expertise is contributed by scholars from a range of disciplines, with particular attention to the scholarship of trans, non-binary and gender diverse people.

The book is aimed at professionals and practitioners working internationally in a range of public and social welfare services for older people, as well as students training for such roles, and educators involved in delivering professional training. Each section concludes with practical learning activities, designed to support professional practice.

Being transgender is never easy, yet it’s not a curse but a gift. None of us choose to be trans; it’s who we are. Like many of us, I knew at an early age that I was in the wrong body – I couldn’t change it at nine or in the decades since. It was a secret I hid from family and friends, only dressing alone in private as a girl and then a woman.

At almost 50, I came out in Holland as Pauline and had two years of therapy to find out why I am different, and I learned to love myself and to build my self-esteem ... zelfvertrouwen in Dutch, which encompasses self-esteem and self-love.

Life was not magically simpler, but accepting myself and loving myself made it more worthwhile, and I learnt to be an advocate for the trans community and to fight for us to be treated with respect and dignity as ordinary people.

This book is about how we want to be treated as we age – whether it’s being looked after in our homes, in hospitals, in care homes or hospices. All we ask is that you treat us with respect and dignity; as we age, we will make mistakes and sometimes appear to be the gender we were born as rather than the one we have chosen.

Many of us are estranged from our blood family, and our friends have become our family unit now. Please do not misgender us, and show us compassion and accept that our family unit is not always conventional.

There are many words of wisdom in this research; please read it and listen to why it’s important for all who are transgender like me.

It means a lot to me and all of us who contributed to this research. We are really just ordinary people, your sister or brother, grandad or grandma, aunt or uncle or your parent ... or neighbour.

Treat us as you would them: with kindness and respect.

This is a poem I have written for this book about what it’s like being transgender as an older person and what I hope will happen after you read this book.
Being Transgender and ageing
It’s hard being who we are
That special gift
To be both genders
And understand
The differences and similarities
And as we age we look
For acceptance, tolerance
Understanding and empathy
It’s not much to ask for … we truly hope
Many of my peers came out
Later in life
Frightened of daring to take that huge step
And be vilified and abused
Discrimination it’s called
I’m 75 now, trans and proud of who I am
Comfy as me in my own skin
Being Pauline is me
But I worry about my declining years
What will happen to me
In hospital, a care home, a hospice
Will I be able to be safe
Will the nurses and carers treat me
And give me care as who I am
Or who they see
Can I still be Pauline
Needing a shave and wanting
To wear my nightie
Or will they say
You are a man
Let me and my peers
Retain our dignity
Respect our wants and treat us
As we want to be treated
And learn from the words in this book

Thank you,

Pauline Smith

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