
The COVID-19 pandemic thrust the emotion of fear into the heart of political debate, policy making, public trust in democracy, and government messaging. In pandemic’s wake, clarifying the role of fear in those processes remains a priority in order to avoid repeating past mistakes the next time we find ourselves in a crisis of similar magnitude. This is the task taken up by this book. It gathers interdisciplinary perspectives from leading and emerging scholars of politics, philosophy, sociology, and anthropology. Drawing on case studies of COVID-19 governance and experiences from across the world – including the UK, Turkey, Brazil, and the US – these scholars provide thought-provoking and practical insights about how fear and related emotions can and should shape politics under extraordinary and ordinary circumstances. As such, this book will be of great interest to anyone interested in better understanding post-pandemic politics, including students, researchers, and policy makers.

References to endnotes show both the page number and the note number (231n3).


absence of fear 5
‘acceptable risk’ 61n2, 199
Adorno, T.W. 81, 8283, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 93, 94, 95, 9697, 102, 103, 234
affective disorientation 142, 144
affective trust 215
Africa 246
Agamben, G. 174
agency 2, 245247
agent-to-patient processes 78, 79
Agnew, J. 177, 178, 187, 196
Ahmed, S. 142
air pollution 55, 58
Alexander, M. 133
alienable rights 5758
Amable, B. 3
amplifying effects of fear 55, 66, 7273, 76
Anarchy, State, and Utopia (Nozick, 1974) 44, 5057, 60, 61, 65, 67, 73
anti-Islamist sentiments 95
anti-vaccine propaganda 116
anxiety 54, 66, 69, 72, 85, 89, 91, 143, 144, 170, 244
arbitrariness 5
Arendt, H. 2
Aristotle 234
Aronson, E. 3
Asmundson, G.J. 59
asymptomatic transmission 7879, 87, 176, 177
austerity 4, 47
Australia 247
Austria 15, 16, 17, 2225, 83, 90, 9497, 103
authorisation 117
Authoritarian Personality 8283
authoritarianism 6, 8, 16, 33, 114, 118, 125126, 196, 246
auto-isolation 30
autonomous individual 99n7, 186
Azar, A. 243


Baker, S. 107
Bakhtin, M. 21
‘banal’ nationalism 2223
‘bare life’ 175
Bauman, Z. 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 108, 120, 174, 180, 196, 234
Beck, U. 107
Becker, E. 9, 15, 117
beliefs versus facts 203, 214, 216, 228
Bergenfalk, J. 3031
Bergman, E. 128
Berlin, I. 5
Biden, J. 8, 241, 249
Big Data 181
Bigo, D. 173, 175, 179, 188, 189, 196, 200, 234
biopolitics 2224, 31, 175, 201
bioweapons 113
Birnbaum, P. 186
Birx, D. 243, 244
Bissell, D. 142, 143, 144
Black America 131139
blame 16, 22, 24
blind fear 5960
Blommaert, J. 110, 126
body, importance of 2, 8889, 90, 92, 94, 142143, 169, 172, 180
body politics 2224
Bolsonaro, E. 113
Bolsonaro, J. 17, 90, 103, 106, 109114, 116119, 125, 126, 179, 234, 245, 248
Bonelli, L. 175
Borba, R. 110, 125130
border closures 17, 94, 176177, 196197, 246
border controls 71, 176, 186189
boredom and the passage of time 150
boundaries, importance of 151, 155, 170171, 190
boundary cells 152
boundless temporality 151152
Bourdieu, P. 173, 178, 190, 196, 197
bourgeois class 86, 89
Boyd, R. 208, 218n8
Brazil 6, 55, 90, 103, 106130, 179, 234, 245, 248249
Brennan, G. 227
Brookings 134135
Brown, J. 107
Buhari, M. 247
bureaucratic field 173, 175, 176180, 196
busy, keeping 150


Camus, A. 34
capitalism 34, 8286, 87, 102
Casalicchio, E. 6
Casati, R. 140164, 165168
Casciani, D. 7
Case, A. 7
case-fatality rate 57
castration anxiety 81101, 102105, 234
catastrophes 108
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 134, 239, 243
centre left politics 4
centre right politics 4
centrists 7, 8
Cesarino, L. 110
China 34, 47, 57, 111115, 176, 241, 242, 247
‘Chinese vaccine’ 116, 117, 120
Christian framings/metaphors 2426, 236
civic virtues 5
Clarke, S. 112
class 83, 8687, 129
climate change 2, 3
codes, presentation of 183184
coercive power 49, 173, 174, 175, 184, 186, 189, 196
cognitive processes 72, 141, 144, 146, 147, 148149, 238
see also metacognition
Cohen, S. 117
collaboration 30
collective action 2, 5, 28
collective disorientation 140164
collective welfare 205
collectivism 5
communication strategies 109110
community, sense of 155
compensation for infringed rights 5154, 57, 66, 68, 69, 7072, 7476, 78
‘complex of autonomy’ 94
compliance 5, 202223, 224232
conformity 230
consent 4547, 49, 50, 58, 66, 74, 7576, 182
consequentialism 56, 4748, 56
Conservatives 5, 6, 8, 203, 239240, 249
conspiracy theories 24, 109, 111119, 125130, 154155
consumerism 107
contact tracing 175176, 180, 181186, 188189, 190, 199201
containment 188, 197, 199
Conte, G. 23, 24
contractualism 4364, 65
‘controversy mapping’ 110
cooperation, reasons for 205210
Coronavac 115117, 118
Cosentino, G. 114
cost-benefit analyses 31, 48, 49, 66, 238239
Covid deniers 17, 126, 128, 237
“Covid truthers” 104105
Cowburn, A. 6
crisis communication/crisis management 1442, 243
‘critical workers’ 33, 187
Croatia 24, 94
cultural disorientation 141, 142, 145
cultural worldviews 20
culture industry 85, 88
Cummings, D. 6, 8, 202203, 210211, 212, 215216, 217, 224, 228, 229, 231


damages 53
Dante 166
data protection legislation 182, 184, 200
Dean, C. 6
case-fatality rate 57
‘denial of death’ 1417, 31, 234
‘dread of death’ 9, 1417, 25, 33, 34, 234
fear of 180
‘deaths of despair’ 7
Deaton, A. 7
deceleration 33
defection versus cooperation 205207
‘defence and intelligence’ communities 178, 197
Degerman, D. 1, 3, 120
democracies 134, 246
castration anxiety 8990, 103
‘denial of death’ 9, 1417, 31, 234
far right politics 116, 128
fright vs fear 235236
media panic 24
procrastination 242243
self-destruction 3
Trump 243, 244
and uncertainty 240
when action seems impossible 248
Denmark 198
derivative fear 18
desire 180
Deslatte, A. 154
deviancy 118
‘dialogic frame’ 9, 17, 2728
dialogicity 21
Diamond, P. 4, 243
digital populism 110
digital predictive analytics 174, 180, 181
digital surveillance 181186, 199201
see also contact tracing
dimensions of fear 5761
Discourse of the Master/Discourse of the Hysteric 104
discourse strands 19
discourse-historical approach 1820
disenfranchisement 133134
dismissal of fear 56
disorientation 140164, 165168, 169172
dissent 7377, 175
dissuasion 188, 189
disvalue 56
diversity 3, 4
Dodhy, S. 131
domestic violence 47, 239
Doria, J. 116, 117, 118, 120
Douglas, K.M. 125, 126
‘dread of death’ 9, 1417, 25, 33, 34, 234
Drosten, C. 27
Durkheim, E. 7
dystopia 25


Earnshaw, O. 142, 155
Easter 2426
economic costs of lockdowns 47, 48, 96, 135
economic protection 6, 7, 106, 114115, 174, 242, 248
economic sovereignty 197
Economist Intelligence Unit 108
economy of esteem 227228, 229, 230
see also negative social judgement
egocentric-allocentric integration 143
elderly people, protection of 27, 29, 31, 53, 74, 75
Elias, N. 179180, 196
emergency power 5, 32
emotional decision-making 238
emotional disorientation 142, 144
emotional effervescence 112
emotional fear 72
emotional trust 215
encapsulated interest 206
Entman, R. 20
epidemic time 148149, 150151, 171
episodic affective states 145
epistemic disorientation 154, 167
epistemic responsibility 156
epistemic safety 152
equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) 3
ethnographic research 109110
EU 6, 33, 98n3, 176, 177, 189190, 249
European Commission 33, 34, 182, 183, 187, 189190
European Court of Human Rights 33
European Data Protection Board 183
European Parliament 33
events as temporal landmarks 150
evolutionary advantages of fear 1
existential disorientation 166
existential fear 23, 174, 237
existential states, sustained 145
expectation values of risks 52, 5657
expert authority 23, 27, 29, 155, 166167, 178179, 197199
exponential dynamics 149, 153
extreme right politics 24, 81101, 106124, 125, 234


facts 203, 214, 216, 228, 237238, 243
fake news/falsehoods 111, 127, 154155, 243
fallacies 16
false beliefs 76
fantasy objects 91, 104
far left politics 4
far right politics 24, 106124, 125, 234
farming thought experiment 206, 214
fascism 82, 83, 84, 85, 91, 94, 95
Fauci, A. 140, 239, 243
Faulkner, P. 202223, 234
fearlessness 2
Fernández Velasco, P. 140164, 165168
‘fighting’ metaphors 3133, 34
Fillmore, Ch. 20
fining practices 186187, 207, 210, 228
Finland 245
fiscal stimulation 47
flag effects 154
Foucault, M. 173, 180, 186, 196, 197, 198199, 201
frames of reference 9, 17, 2022, 2427, 144, 145, 165166, 234
France 17, 31, 146, 147148, 155156, 171, 179, 190, 198
Frederiksen, M. 198
free markets 6
free movement 177, 186189, 190, 196
free rider problem 205, 208, 209, 212, 226, 227228, 229
freedom, infringements of see restricted liberty
Freedom Party Austria 8182, 9497
freedom through the law 5
‘freedom trick’ 9495
Freud, A. 8990, 103
Freud, S. 15, 82, 84, 91, 93, 97, 102
Freyberg-Inan, A. 131
Friedrich Naumann Foundation 3233
fright vs fear 234236, 237
Fukuyama, F. 154


Gachter, S. 205, 206, 208
Gallagher, J. 14
game theory 228, 229, 231
Gandesha, S. 98n4
gender 87, 127, 128, 154
generalised trust 215216
genetic mutations 118
‘geographies of knowledge’ 178, 181
Germany 15, 17, 2728, 81, 83, 177, 240, 245246
Girardet, R. 112
Glaude Jr., E.S. 135, 136
global financial crisis 2007–08 4, 83, 135
globalisation 141, 196
globalism 114, 126
Goffman, E. 20
Gordon, P. 82, 83, 99n7
Gorman-Murray, A. 142, 143, 144
government discourses 1442
governmentality by unease 173194, 195201, 234
Gray, J. 8
‘great little man’ trick 91, 9293, 94
‘great risk shift’ 7
Greece 4, 26
Gwajima, D. 245


habitus 173, 177, 179
Hacker, J. 7
Halasz, S. 32
Hallengren, L. 29
Harbin, A. 142, 143, 145, 156, 165
Hardin, G. 204, 206
Harper, L. 131139, 234
Hattke, F. 28
Henrich, J. 218n8
herd immunity 5, 178
Herrmann, B. 205, 208
Herz, J. 236
Hickson, K. 7
‘high modernism’ 197
hippocampus 144, 146
hoarding toilet paper 248
Hobbes, T. 49, 207
Hobbes’ Foole 207, 208, 211, 213
Hofer, N. 82, 90, 9497, 102, 103
Hofstadter, R. 112
‘homo sacer’ 174
homophobia 45
Horkheimer, M. 85
human experiments 118
human rights activism 109, 182
Human Rights Declaration 31
humanitarianism 174
Hume, D. 206, 214
Hungary 17, 3133, 187, 188
Hutchins, E. 170
Huysmans, J. 174
hypothetical histories 4950, 51, 60, 73, 76


Iasbeck, L.C.A. 112
Iceland 16
identification of disease transmitters 6869, 78, 167
identity formation 156
identity politics 3, 4, 24
illiberal fear 6061, 173
illness-based disorientations 142
imagined state, fear as 235236, 237
imagined threats 237
immigration 237, 238
inalienable rights 58
individual responsibilities 2, 30, 128129, 156, 180
individual rights focus 5, 4549
individual versus group benefits 204
individualisation of pathologised fears 4
individualised health 120
individualism 7, 8, 107, 120121, 129, 247
industrial policy 6
inequality 3, 4, 5, 7, 126, 129, 249
inflation 47
influenza 56, 58, 59
information environments 154, 237238, 239
innocent threats 79
Instituto Polis 129
instrumental value 209, 225
international travel 188189
internet 88, 102
intrinsic value 209
irrationality 2, 5, 5859, 120, 233, 248
Islamist terror attacks 15
isolation 84, 87, 168, 239
see also self-isolation
Italy 15, 16, 2324, 147, 148, 171


Jackson, J. 167
Jaspers, K. 166
Johanssen, J. 104, 105
Johnson, B. 17, 202, 204, 231, 245, 247, 248, 249
Johnson, M. 140, 248
Jones, P. 6580
journalism 32
justification of government 5051


Kahneman, D. 59
Kalil, I. 106124, 234
Kant, I. 144
Kling, J. 134
Koob, G. 7
Koselleck, R. 33
Kurz, S. 22, 23, 25


Labour Party 4, 6, 8
Lacan, J. 8586, 91, 92, 102, 104
Lakoff, G. 22, 23, 140
Lancet, The 1516, 118
Lancet Commission 245
language use 126127
see also metaphors
Latour, B. 110, 122n1415
‘laws of nature’ 50
Le Monde 147
‘leading a war’ 9, 17
Lebow, R.F. 233255
Leeb, C. 81101, 102105, 234, 245
‘left behind’ communities 4, 7
left wing politics 3, 6
legitimation 2022, 2433
legitimation by authority 117
legitimation qua moralisation 21, 2427, 29, 30, 34
legitimation qua rationalisation 23, 27, 29, 31, 34, 117, 233
Lenard, P. 215
‘let’s get back to work’ 90
LGBTQI+ communities 109, 110, 117, 127
liberalism 8, 181, 184, 185, 186, 187, 197
libertarianism 6, 76
libidinal energy 87, 91, 93, 104
liminality 33
Lipton, E. 243, 244
liquid fear 7, 18
liquid modernity 17, 108
liquid surveillance 174, 180, 190
Locke, J. 49, 50, 76
Löfven, S. 30, 179
Lorenzini, D. 201
low socioeconomic status 7, 87, 89, 134137, 246, 249
Lyon, D. 174, 180, 196


Machiavelli, N. 236
Macron, E. 31, 147
Magufuli, J. 245
Malkki, K. 156
Marasco, R. 83
markets’ inability to resolve crises 6
Martin, H. 28
Marx, K. 88
masculinity/manhood 86, 89, 92, 94, 128
masks 90, 92, 94, 120, 128, 153, 176, 239, 243, 245
materialism 34
Mauritius 246247
McBride, D. 134
McGeer, V. 231
McIntosh, J. 127, 128
Meadows, M. 242
media communication 1415, 24, 122n9, 171, 174, 184
medical experts 178179, 197199
Melton, N. 93
Mendoza-Denton, N. 127
mental maps 171
meritocracy 3
Merkel, A. 2728
metacognition 143, 170
metaphors 22, 2425, 26, 3133, 140141, 166, 169
Michie, J. 140
microchipping 118
migration 141, 237, 238
military jargon 32
miniaturization 197
minimal state 44, 76
misinformation 109, 111, 243
Mitsokakis, K. 26
mobile workers 142
legitimation qua moralisation 21, 2427, 29, 30, 34
moral disorientation 167
moral entrepreneurship 117
‘moral panics’ 117
negative social judgement 229
prohibition of conduct 51
as reason for cooperation 208210, 214, 216, 224225, 231
rights-based assessment of justifications 74
shifting moral convictions 58
side constraints 48
upturning of previous moral beliefs 52
Moser, E. 6, 4364, 6580
motivational psychology 248
Muslims 95
mythopoesis 21, 24, 25, 31, 117


narcissism 8485, 87, 91, 92, 93, 94
national biopolitics 2224
national security 175, 177178, 179, 190, 196, 197, 198, 238
nationalism 2224, 177, 179, 190
nativism 24, 126, 128
natural disaster metaphor 2425, 26
natural law 50, 79
Navarro, P. 242
necropolitics 125130
negative social judgement 210, 211, 213, 215216, 227, 229
neo-Freudianism 84
neoliberalism 4, 5, 6, 106109, 115, 125130, 177
neo-nationalism 125130
Nettle, D. 8
networked logics 177, 181, 189190
neuroscience 144, 146, 152, 155
neuroses 84
New England Journal of Medicine 140
New Right 7
New York Times 132, 242
New Zealand 5, 27, 155, 240, 241, 245, 246, 247
Nigeria 247
no-risk policies 178
normative legitimacy 44
Nozick, R. 6, 4364, 6580
nudging 175, 179, 186
Nussbaum, M. 2, 5, 55, 59, 107, 119, 120


obedience 173194, 195201
objet petit a 91, 92, 94, 104
Obler, J. 60
obscurantism 120
Oliver, E. 127
online connections 88
Orbán, V. 3132
Osbourne, K. 3
oversimplification of problems 18
Overton Window 8


pandemic planning 3, 53
‘paradox of fear’ 2
paranoia 9596
Pareto-efficiency 49
PASOKification 4
pathogens 232255
Pazuello, E. 108
perception of risk 55, 72, 73, 107
Perroy, B. 140164, 165168
personhood, respect for 8
persuasive rhetoric 22
Pettit, P. 224232, 234
Pew Research Center 135
Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine 116, 118
‘phallic superman’ 91, 92, 93, 94, 104
phallus 8586, 8889, 90, 92
phobias 3, 4
Picheta, R. 32
Pickett, K. 7
Pickett, M. 71
Pierre, J. 30
Pike, J. 44
Pinheiro-Machado, R. 111
Poland 35n7, 183, 187, 188
policing 186, 210, 227
political disorientation 141142, 154, 155
political pathologisation of fear 24
political philosophy 44
political power boundaries 173194
Pompeo, M. 113, 242
population control 119
population density 137
populism 9, 102, 110, 112, 126, 141, 234
positive effects of fear 245
positive liberty 5
positives of measures 33
postmodernism 17, 108
post-truth politics 128
Potosky, D. 141, 142
poverty 87, 106, 128129, 135, 246
see also low socioeconomic status
power boundaries 173194, 198
pragmatic value of fear 45
predictive algorithms 180, 181
predictive trust 214
pre-existing health conditions 134
prisoners 132133, 207
privacy 176, 180, 181, 185, 188, 189, 200
probability, overestimation of 55
Prochazka, O. 126
procrastination 241245
progressive journalism 8
prohibitions 5152, 5457, 5960, 66, 6770, 188
propaganda 24, 81, 82, 85, 86, 93, 103, 109, 175, 180
proportionality principle 182183
protection, politics of 174
protests 24
proximity tracing 185
see also contact tracing
psychoanalytic theory 81101, 156
psychological problems 47, 155, 234, 239, 244
psychological tricks 81101
psychology 144, 146, 151152, 238
public goods 204
Public Goods game 205, 206, 207, 208
public health systems
Africa 247
alleviation of fear 70, 71
border controls 187, 188
Brazil 107, 109, 128
burdens on stretched 6
digital surveillance 181, 182, 190
governmentality by unease 174, 177178
medical experts 178179, 197199
and traditional security 186
wealthier countries 246
public interest arguments 182
public opinions on restrictions 46
public perception of performance 249
‘public’ versus ‘private’ wrongs 53
punishment 208, 236
see also sanctions
Pyszczynski, T. 15, 35n5


QAnon 114, 125
quarantine 71, 177, 188189
queuing 170


race 87, 129, 131139, 180, 234
Ratcliffe, M. 167
rational behaviour 205207
rational choice theory 224228, 231
rational fear 5, 73, 120, 131
rationalisation legitimation 23, 27, 29, 31, 34, 117, 233
Rawls, J. 49, 60
Real 85, 90
realism 131
reason for fear, wishing to be without 69
Redfield, R. 243
‘regulated freedom’ 30
Reicher, S. 204
Reis, R. 108
Reisigl, M. 19
relativisation 22
religion 9, 17, 18, 2427, 34, 236
renationalising tendencies 2224, 128
‘rescue narratives’ 16
resistance 173, 175, 180, 201
restricted liberty
19th century medicine 177178
consent to infringement of rights 4547, 51
consequentialism 47
constitutionality 184, 185
contractualism 4364, 6580
individual rights focus 4547
media debates 174
side constraints 48
Reuters 132, 133
Rheindorf, M. 19, 22
Ribeiro, M. 126
‘right not to be feared’ 60
right to life 5758
rights violations 27, 7780
rights-based assessment of justifications 4557, 74
right-wing extremism 4, 81101, 106124, 125, 234
Rimmer, A. 7
‘acceptable risk’ 61n2, 199
compensation for 52
co-responsibility for 54
expectation values of risks 52, 5657
fact-based assessment 237238
‘great risk shift’ 7
high versus low-risk groups 57
information environments 239
irrational fear 59
non-uniform distribution of 5960
no-risk policies 178
perception of risk 55, 72, 73, 107
as a rights violation in itself 69
shifting social paradigms of 107108
thresholds 56
uncompensable risk 70
risk aversion, fear as 5455, 57
rituals 170
Robin, C. 175
rule breaches 202203, 210, 246
see also Cummings, D.
rumours 112
Russia 34


sacrifice 174
salient theory 20
Samoa 245
sanctions 50, 5354, 200, 203, 207, 208, 210, 211, 213, 216, 227
see also negative social judgement
satisficing 238
Saunders, T. 142
saviour narratives 16, 2223
scale 170171
Scandinavia 8, 29, 198
scapegoating rhetoric 24
Scheiring, G. 7
Schengen 176, 177, 186189, 190, 196
Schmidt di Friedberg, M. 156, 169
Schraff, D. 154
scientific arguments 27, 113, 127, 178, 238, 240, 245
Scott, J. 177, 196, 197
securitisation 199
‘security dilemma’ 236
security measures 16, 18, 175, 177, 178, 179, 186, 197, 199
self-delusion 3
self-governance 179180
self-interest as reason for compliance 205207, 225
selfishness 55, 180, 205
self-isolation 87, 129, 136, 181, 183, 188, 190, 245
self-surveillance 183
semiotic callousing 128
sense of place 170
Sentencing Project 133
service industries 87
side constraints 48
Silva, D.N. 110, 127
Simon, G. 2930
Simon, H. 238
Simonsen, K. 172
Sincerity 208
Sinophobia 111
Sinovac/Coronavac 116, 117, 118
smallpox 199
snitching 210, 211
social anomie 7
social boundaries 152
social class 83, 8687, 129
social cohesion 4
social contract 46, 54
see also contractualism
social coordination problems 204205, 216
social democracy 5, 8
social disorientation 141, 142, 153156, 166, 167168
social distancing 87, 140, 153154, 155, 166, 240, 243, 244, 245, 246
social justice 156
social knowledge 21
social media 110, 111, 116, 127
social networks 155156, 167, 177, 186
social obligations 210
‘sociology of deviance’ 117
solidarity 31, 168, 247
South Korea 177, 240, 241, 245, 246
sovereignty 173, 177, 186188, 195, 196197
spatial cognition 144145
spatial disorientation 140141, 143, 144145, 147, 156, 169, 170, 171
spatial metaphors 140141, 166
SPI-B Sage subcommittee 204
split subjects 104
Starmer, K. 249
state of emergency 3233, 175, 178
state of nature 50, 72, 73, 79
state role
authority 76
economic protection 6
neoliberalism 107
Nozick’s minimal state 44, 76
public perception of performance 8
state, invisible networks and the territorial trap 176178
‘stay at home’ directives 26, 202, 203, 204, 210, 211
Steiner, H. 60
stereotypes 95, 154
Stetson, G.V. 156
strategic trust 214
styles of expectation 167
subjects/subjectivity 85, 86, 88, 91, 104, 175
suicide 7, 155
Sunstein, C.R. 186
suppression of contradictory information 243
surveillance 118, 174, 175, 180, 188189, 190, 195201
survival instinct 131
suspicion-based logic 178179, 190
Sweden 17, 2831, 71, 179, 198, 246


tacit consent 45, 46, 66, 7577
Taiwan 71, 177, 240, 241, 245, 246
Tanzania 245
Tarquinio, C. 153154
taxation 8, 5253, 7071
Taylor, S. 59
Tegnell, A. 29, 198
temporal boundaries 152153
temporal disorientation 141, 145153, 170, 171
territoriality 177178, 179, 181, 186, 196
Terror Management Theory 15, 20
‘terror strategies’ 96
Test and Trace (UK) 185
Thaler, R.H. 186
third-person perspectives 46, 48, 56, 72
Thomas, C. 102
threats of castration 84, 85
TINA-argument ‘there is no alternative’ 23
‘tingling backbone device’ 96
‘Titanic syndrome’ 108
tit-for-tat 226, 227
Tonello, F. 141142, 154
totalitarianism 5
tourism 2627
traceability 177
track-and-trace 71
trade-offs 238239, 246, 248
‘tragedy of the commons’ 204
tranquilisation of fear 69
transnational interests 178, 179, 198
transparent decision-making 16, 27, 190
travel restrictions 183, 246247
see also border closures
trivialisation 22
Trump, D. 17, 24, 81, 83, 8994, 102, 103, 104, 110115, 125, 127, 179, 239, 241245, 247, 248
trust 9, 17, 2731, 34, 119, 154, 166167, 185, 202234, 240241
truth 208, 209, 212, 225
Turkey 174, 179, 181190, 199201
Turner, V. 33
Tversky, A. 59
Tversky, B. 144145


contact tracing 184186, 199201
death rates 246
digital surveillance 181186
individualism 56
obedience 173, 176, 179
PASOKification 4
policy reform 8
prioritisation of economic survival 248
procrastination 245
slow response 16
socialised healthcare 249
trust and compliance 202223
vaccination 14, 108
uncanniness 151
uncertainty 14, 1718, 2526, 33, 166, 177178, 240241
uncompensable fear 6869
uncompensable risk 70
undemocratic measures 27
unemployment 33, 35n7, 47, 48, 83, 115, 136, 179, 244, 249
unhappy conjunctions 203204, 213, 215216
Universal Basic Income 8
unpredictability as a leveller 74, 167
urgency topos 23, 32
acceptance of measures 75
election (2021) 243244
extreme right politics 81, 103, 179
gender roles 154
homelessness 87
migration 237
mixed signals 247
prioritisation of economic survival 6, 248
procrastination 241245
public health systems 249
race-based data 131139
trust in science 240241
see also Trump, D.
Uslaner, E. 214, 215
utilitarianism 48, 174
utility of fear 5


vaccination 14, 34, 90, 94, 108, 115119, 173, 240, 241, 245246, 249
value of life 4849, 76
value of the outcome of different actions 47
vampire capital 88
van Dijk, T.A. 18, 20
Van Leeuwen, T. 21
Vanheule, S. 104
Varis, P. 110
‘veil of ignorance’ 49, 60
Ventura, D. 108
Venturini, T. 110
Verstümmelung 84, 85
victim, lack of particular 226227
‘victory’ rhetoric 25
Vietnam 5
Villadsen, K. 195201
virility 89, 92, 94
vulnerability 18, 74, 180


war metaphors 25, 3133, 34
‘we are all in the same boat’ 27, 168
‘we’ language 2324
wealth tax 8
weaponisation of the virus 78
welfare states 29, 177, 182
WHO 1516, 35n2, 48, 59, 112, 115, 116, 132, 176, 179
wicked problems 28
Wilkinson, R. 7
Williams, B. 208, 209, 225, 229
Wishart, P. 204
Wodak, R. 1442, 117, 128, 234
women 3, 89
Wood, M. 126
Wood, T. 127
working classes 8687, 89, 134, 137
working from home 137
Wright Mills, C. 7
‘Wuhan virus’ 113


Xi Jinping 241


Yang Wanming 122n8
YouTube 27


‘zero COVID’ strategies 5

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