
Karl Marx famously argued that the historical emergence of the working class as a collective actor resulted from acts of resistance against the continuous extension of the working day, which occurred in the context of the Industrial Revolution and was driven by capitalist competition. In an age where parts of the world experience sustained processes of deindustrialization, this raises the question of what happens to working classes when the factory gates are shut for good. It is possible to address this issue by resorting to strike research and focusing on the service and public sectors. Accordingly, the research question addressed in this book is this: What are the class effects of non-industrial strikes – or how far do they contribute to working-class formation? The author addresses it by taking three steps. First, he shows that the existing global labour studies literature insufficiently engages with class theory; second, he addresses this shortcoming by conceptualizing class and class formation from a critical-realist and materialist angle; and third, he conducts an incorporated comparison of non-industrial strike action around the globe in the age of the Great Crisis by (a) mapping 387 strikes in the service and public sectors from 56 countries and autonomous territories and (b) by zooming in on the railway strikes in Germany, the junior doctors’ strikes in Britain and the general strikes against austerity and the feminist general strikes in Spain.

References to tables appear in bold type. References to figures are in italics. References to endnotes show both the page number and the note number (231n3).


abortion bans, strikes against 85, 180181
adsorption 5960, 63, 7778, 81, 88, 137139, 150151, 172174
African National Congress (ANC) 35, 38, 45
Agenda 2010 (Germany) 24n2, 105106, 117
agreements, trade 21, 84
agricultural sector 48n1, 50, 52, 94, 94
aims see character of aims
Alexander, Heidi 144
alienation 59, 62, 62n5, 63, 65, 204
Allende government (Chile) 26
Alqueza, Christen 199200
Althusser, Louis 10, 65
Amazon 7576, 205, 212
ANC (African National Congress) 35, 38, 45
antagonisms 10, 33, 37, 62, 65, 98, 139, 178
Antentas, Josep Maria 174
Antigua and Barbuda 73, 82
Antoñanzas, Cristina 195196
Apartheid 26, 27, 38
apparatuses of capitalist state 53, 55, 57, 5859, 61, 7980, 84, 135, 136, 156
Arab Spring 85, 165
archeologists 1213
Argentina 26, 58, 85, 86, 180, 182
Arrimadas, Inés 186n12
Arruzza, C. 195, 197
coding 209, 212213
global level, of research at a 4
incorporated comparison 1213, 17
methodological Fordism 3, 4
neoliberalist 1920, 21, 22, 78, 133, 135
patriarchal 175176, 179
theoretical, risks of making 56, 7, 8
see also subsumptionism
as crisis management 20, 40, 5859, 66, 154
public sector, in the 7879, 88, 137, 139141
strikes against 58, 59, 86, 140141, 147151, 155, 161165
Austria 45, 58
anti- 30
resistance to 9, 85, 124, 152
rise of 2627, 29, 41, 4344, 47, 55
autonomous territories 68, 68n2, 83, 207


bailouts 20, 40, 41, 139, 154
bailouts for 3839, 154
independence of 28, 28n5, 31, 84
low rates of interest 40, 41, 46
mortgage market 38, 139, 153
Basic Law (Germany) 99, 100, 122, 132
Battle of Seattle 33
Baumgartner, Sven (interviewee) 123124, 216
BDA (Confederation of German Employers’ Associations) 102, 115
Beamten status 100, 100n4, 109, 109n11, 111, 113114
Begin government (Israel) 26
Belarus 9, 87
Belfrage, Claes Axel 212213
Belgium 57, 58
Bershka 196
Bhorat, Haroon 208n3
gender 177, 187188
media 208n3
selection 6, 89, 57n4, 6768, 208
Biden, Joe 45, 47
Bieling, H.-J. 42n8
Bild-Zeitung 119, 128129
bipartism 99, 158, 159160
Black Friday 76
Blaikie, Norman 16
Blair, Tony 3536
Blair government (Britain) 30, 35, 136, 140
BMA (British Medical Association) 142147, 148149, 150, 151, 202
Boric, Gabriel 45, 85
Borjans, Norbert-Walther 128
Botswana 85
Brazil 45, 56
bread and butter strikes see collective bargaining strikes
Bretton Woods system 28, 28n5, 29
Brexit 137
about 14
austerity measures 139141
deindustrialization in 9196, 92, 134
gender relations 178
junior doctors’ strike see junior doctors’ strike (Britain)
liberal collectivism in 134135, 136
liberalism in 133134
neoliberalism in 134, 136137, 138
NHS (National Health Service) 141142
private sector in 133
public sector in 56, 57, 137139, 140141
stoppages in 77, 137138
strike activity in (overview) 59, 95, 96, 96, 136, 140141
union activity in (overview) 92, 93, 94, 94, 95, 95
see also Blair government (Britain) ; Brown government (Britain) ; Callaghan government (Britain) ; Cameron government (Britain) ; Johnson government (Britain) ; Labour Party (Britain) ; NUM (National Union of Mineworkers) (Britain) ; Thatcher government (Britain) ; specific unions (e.g., GMB, Unison, Unite)
British Medical Association see BMA (British Medical Association)
Browne, Gaston 82
Brown government (Britain) 8182, 136, 139140
Bsirske, Frank 118
bubbles 31, 38, 153154
Bündnis für unsere Bahn (alliance for our railways) (Germany) 126127
Bush, George H.W. 34
Bush administration (George W.) (US) 36


Caesarism 46, 47
Callaghan government (Britain) 3334
Calleja Jiménez, José Pablo 164, 173
Cameron government (Britain) 136, 137, 139140, 141142, 143, 149
about 19, 176
controls 2829, 28n5, 31, 39, 84
crisis of 2627, 4041, 43, 44
labour and 10, 36, 44
settlements between, and labour 24, 25, 25n3, 30
social partnership 98102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 124126
as undead (zombie metaphor) 1920, 4243, 47
weakness of 4547
Capital (Marx) 19, 53, 177178
conjuncture of crisis 2528
crisis management and 20, 3840, 43
informational 7475
profits, fixes to increase 31, 50
research on 35
capitalist mode of production
as contradiction 10, 42, 65
ecological dominance of 6062, 65, 138, 175176
as global 5
patriarchal domination and 175176
capitalist relations of production
instability of 2425
public sector 53, 6062, 65
unions and 22, 102, 131, 137138
Carmena, Manuela 186
Castells, Manuell 6, 51, 63, 7374, 88, 91, 9495, 98, 134, 203
Catalonia 87, 181, 186n12, 189, 192
catastrophic disequilibrium 47
CC.OO (Workers’ Commissions, Spain)
about 152n1, 157, 158
austerity measures, responses to 162
general strikes 168169, 170171, 187
social pacts 160, 164
CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany) 103, 104, 121
CEOE (employers’ association) (Spain) 160
CEPYME (employers’ association) (Spain) 160
CGT (General Confederation of Work) (Spain) 157, 183, 186, 189
CGTP (General Confederation of Portuguese Workers) 170
character of aims (strikes) 7072, 72, 82, 211, 214
Charité (Germany) 79
Chile 24n2, 32, 45, 85
China 29, 3132, 80
Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) 103, 104, 121
Christian Social Union (CSU) (Germany) 103, 104, 121
Christian Trade Union Federation of Germany 104
CIG (Galician Unions Confederacy) (Spain) 157, 158
Ciudadanos party (Spain) 186, 186n12
Claar, Simone 66
class-based strikes 72, 72, 8287, 88
see also organic code
class domination
about 78
collective rights and 101
patriarchal domination 175180, 184185, 193194, 197
public sector, in 139
class effects
about 70, 71, 201, 209
assessing, challenges of 113, 131, 138, 192
coding of 209210, 213
direct 192, 192n14
divisive 193
expansive 193
social partnership, of 98102
class feeling
characteristics of 1617, 193194, 202203
examples of 74, 81, 82, 124, 150, 162, 197
class formation
feminist general strikes (Spain) 190197
general strikes (Spain) 173175
junior doctors’ strikes (Britain) 139, 149151
railway strikes (Germany) 130132
strikes and 8, 15, 115
see also working-class formation
class locations
adsorption and 81, 88, 139
consistent 150
contradictory 52, 58, 5960, 77, 109n11, 129130, 201, 201
climate change 19, 20, 4142, 46
Clinton, Hillary 46
Clinton administration (US) 30, 35, 36
CNT (National Confederation of Work) (Spain) 157, 186
co-determination 101, 158
coding 67, 7072, 72, 209214
Coelho government (Portugal) 86
Colau, Ada 186
collective bargaining
autonomy 101
Germany 98102, 106, 107108, 109111, 114116, 118122, 124126
collective bargaining strikes
about 7172, 72, 7374
see also mostly economic code
collective rights 101
Collier, Andrew 144
Comisión 8M (Marzo) Estatal (Spain) 183184, 186, 187, 188, 195
Comisiones de Base (Spain) 186
commodities see goods
Communist Party of Spain 157, 186
comparison see encompassing comparison ; incorporated comparison
competitive corporatism 107108, 115, 123, 130
Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) 102, 115
confluence of mobilizations 174
Congress of South African Trade Unions see COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions)
of crisis 25, 2829, 40, 41, 4344, 4647, 58, 203
labour disputes during 66, 83, 85, 88, 104, 112113, 147149, 200
political 28
about 1617
comparison 201, 202, 203
feminist general strikes (Spain) 188, 193, 195196
general strikes (Spain) 162, 163, 164, 166, 169, 171, 173174, 193, 195196
junior doctors’ strike (Britain) 147
railway strikes (Germany) 114, 115, 122, 126, 127, 130, 131
consumers 36, 46, 5354
capitalist mode of production as 10, 42, 65
invisibility of 7
strikes as 10, 17, 112113, 123
co-optation 102, 174
Corbyn, Jeremy 45, 47, 86, 147
COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions) 3738, 79
Costa Rica 57, 58
coups d’état 26, 29, 32, 44, 87
COVID-19 pandemic
as bargaining tool 126, 151
capitalism, and 45, 46
crisis management and 19, 20, 40, 4142
impacts of 4345, 129, 197
strikes during 188190
crisis 23
see also global financial crisis ; Great Crisis ; organic crisis ; sovereign debt crisis
critical grounded theory 212213
critical realism 8, 11, 13, 17, 212213
Crouch, Colin 36
CSIF (Independent and Civil Servants’ Union Centre) (Spain) 157, 162
CSU (Christian Social Union) (Germany) 103, 104, 121
cycles, productivist 25, 105, 107


data, sector 4852, 50, 51
Däubler, Wolfgang 122
Davis, Angela 182
DBB (German Civil Service Federation) 104, 121
debt, public 28. 39, 40, 139140, 154155
industrialization, relationship to 32, 50
unions, impact of on 32, 47, 51, 138
Western Europe, in 9196, 92, 134
about 1617
comparison 201, 202, 203
feminist general strikes (Spain) 15, 175, 177, 182, 187188, 189190, 191192, 193197
general strikes (Spain) 162, 163, 165166, 167, 169, 171, 173, 174, 191192, 193, 197
junior doctors’ strike (Britain) 147, 149
railway strikes (Germany) 113, 114, 115, 118, 121, 122123, 125, 126, 130
Denmark 58
density of unions 55, 58, 58, 62n5, 9195, 92n1, 93, 94, 95, 136138
Der Spiegel 119
despotism 59, 62, 62n5, 63, 65, 8384, 199, 204
Deutsche Bahn (Germany)
about 108, 124
interviews 216
labour relations 109110, 114115, 116, 124126, 131132
strikes at 112, 117121, 126129
DGB (German Trade Union Confederation)
about 7, 102104, 113
GDL and 116, 118120, 122, 124, 128, 130131
membership 107108
dictatorships 2627, 32, 46, 92n1
Die Tageszeitung (Berlin) 67, 206, 208
direct class effects 192, 192n14
division of tasks 3132, 6061, 62
divisive class effects 193
Doctors’ Association UK 147
dominantly economic code see mostly economic code
domination see class domination ; patriarchal domination
Dörre, Klaus 119, 123
double-dip recession 153154
Dribbusch, Heiner 125126
dynamics see mobilizing dynamics


East German Socialist Unity Party (SED) 106
ecological dominance 6062, 65, 138, 175176
economic and politicized code 70, 71, 72, 72, 78, 82, 211212
see also expansive-politicized strikes
economic crisis see global financial crisis
economic extension code 213
economic globalization 28, 30
The Economist 105
Education and Science Workers’ Union (GEW) 102103, 119120
ELA (Solidary of Basque Workers) (Spain) 157, 158
Elliott, Victoria 70
Elsner, Carsten 66
emergent totality 13
employment see unemployment
encompassing comparison 5, 12
The End of History and the Last Man (Fukuyama) 34n7
Engels, Friedrich 176
Enzensberger, Hans-Magnus 34n7
Eribon, Didier 37
Esser, J. 160, 161
ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation) 170
Eurowings 76n4
Eurozone 39, 92, 106107, 153, 155160, 202
EVG (Railway and Transport Union) (Germany)
about 111, 112, 114
collective bargaining, response to 119, 122, 127
GDL and 116, 118, 124126, 129130, 131
strike action by 7, 112, 125126, 201
exclusively political strikes see strikes for political aims
exclusive solidarity 107, 114, 115, 193194, 209
expansive class effects 193
expansive-politicized strikes 72, 72, 7882, 88, 144, 170
see also economic and politicized code
expansive solidarity 1617, 74, 193194, 204
see also class feeling
exploitation 60, 62, 62n5, 63, 65, 183, 189, 204
extension strikes 7172, 72, 7478, 88
see also mostly economic code


far-right 27, 45, 47, 112, 180, 189
Federal Republic of Germany 98, 99, 99n3
see also Germany
#feesmustfall 76
intersectional 185
labour struggle, of 167
protest movements 180181
second-wave 27
feminist general strikes (Spain)
8M (International Women’s Strike) (2018, 2019) 182188
class formations and 190197
comparison 201, 201202
constituencies see constituencies
COVID-19 pandemic, during 188190
demands see demands
demonstrations 181
mobilizing dymanics see mobilizing dynamics
as organic 85, 194195, 197
Ferlemann, Enak 128
financial crisis see global financial crisis
Finland 58, 210
Fire Brigades Union (Britain) 37, 145
fixes to increase profits 31, 50
Food, Beverages and Catering Union (NGG) (Germany) 119120
Forces of Labor (Silver) 32, 66, 206
Fordism 34, 25n3, 200201, 204
Foucault, Michel 12
fragmentation 41, 46, 74, 77, 9192, 109110, 131, 138, 203
France 2930, 33, 37, 68n2, 86, 88, 178179
Franco regime (Spain) 92n1, 156, 157, 159
Fraser, Nancy 33, 182
free markets 10, 22, 30, 33, 34, 35, 4041, 45, 108, 141
free trade 2122, 30, 41, 133
Free Workers’ Union (Germany) 103n6
Frese, Alfons 120
Friedman, Milton 22, 2829, 35
Fukuyama, Francis 34n7
Furnivall, David 146n10


Gabriel, Sigmar 119
Galician Unions Confederacy (CIG) (Spain) 157, 158
García, Daiana 180
GDBA (Union of Beamten and Beamten Candidates at Deutsche Bundesbahn) 110, 111, 115
GdED (Union of Railway Workers of Germany) 110111, 113114
GDL (Union of German Train Drivers)
about 7, 104, 109
Beamten status, defending of 109, 110, 111
DGB and 116, 118120, 122, 124, 128, 130131
EVG and 116, 118, 124126, 129130, 131
interviews 216
militancy of 111114
strike waves by 114116, 116124, 126130
biases 177, 187188
as class 85, 197
inequality barriers 176177, 183
labour and 178180
public health institution workers 167
see also feminism ; feminist general strikes (Spain)
General Confederation of Portuguese Workers (CGTP) 170
General Confederation of Work see CGT (General Confederation of Work)
general strikes
about 152
austerity measures, against 86
legality of 88
see also feminist general strikes ; general strikes (Spain)
general strikes (Spain)
14-N 171
15-M (2011) 165166, 169, 171, 172, 174, 184, 191
2010 strikes 162165
class formation and 173175
comparison 201, 201202
constituencies see constituencies
demands see demands
green wave (marea verde) 59, 166, 167, 168170, 171172
mobilizing dynamics see mobilizing dynamics
white wave (marea blanca) 59, 166, 167, 172
General Union of Workers of Spain see UGT (General Union of Workers of Spain)
geographical extension code 212
Georgia 80, 81
German Civil Service Federation (DBB) 104, 121
German Trade Union Confederation see DGB (German Trade Union Confederation)
about 14, 97, 9899
Agenda 2010 24n2, 105106, 117
Beamten status 100, 100n4, 109, 109n11, 111, 113114
collective bargaining 98102, 106, 107108, 109111, 114116, 118122, 124126
competitive corporatism 107108, 115, 123, 130
deindustrialization in 9196
Die Tageszeitung 67, 206, 208
legislation, union 100
liberalism in 10, 108
media coverage 119120, 123, 124, 128129
neoliberalism in 105106, 111, 114, 117, 130131
public sector 56, 57
railway strikes see railway strikes (Germany)
social partnership model 98102, 103, 104105, 107, 108, 124126
strike activity in (overview) 59, 74, 75, 77, 79, 95, 96, 96, 9798
tripartism 99, 101102, 107
union activity in (overview) 58, 88, 92, 93, 94, 94, 95, 95
Unity of Collective Bargaining Act 127129, 132
see also Deutsche Bahn (Germany) ; Kohl government (Germany) ; Schröder government (Germany) ; SPD (Social Democratic Party) (Germany) ; West Germany ; specific unions (e.g., DGB, EVG, GDL)
GEW (Education and Science Workers’ Union) (Germany) 102103, 119120
global financial crisis
about 3840
bailouts 20, 40, 41, 139, 154
see also Great Crisis
globalization, economic 28, 30
GMB (Britain) 135
Goes, Thomas 6364
Göhner, Reinhard 115
González Begega, Sergio 155n5, 159, 171, 172
consumer-producer relationship 5354
production 5455, 60, 61, 6465
traffic 117, 118, 128, 128
Gough, Ian 62
Gowan, Peter 3031, 38
Grady, Jo 150
Gramsci, Antonio 23, 28, 46
Great Crisis
austerity measures during 58, 66
Britain, impact on 137138
capital-labour relationship in 46, 47, 92, 94, 162
Germany, impact on 107, 130
Spain, impact on 153, 159
Greece 39, 86, 171
Green Party (Germany) 45, 103, 105106, 121
green wave (marea verde) (Spain) see general strikes (Spain)
The Guardian (London) 67, 206
Gummer, Ben 147148


Hall, Peter 4
Hall, Stuart 85
Harman, Chris 19
Harvey, David 32, 39
Hauf, Felix 212213
Hayek, Friedrich August 22, 29, 35
Healey, Dennis 3334
Heath, Ted 84
Hegel, G.W.F. 34n7
Helle, Idar 174
Hinck, Gunnar 128129
Hoffmann, Jürgen 114
Hoffmann, Reiner 103, 119, 121, 122, 128
Honduras 87, 192
Hunt, Jeremy 143, 144, 146
Hürtgen, Stefanie 108
Hyman, Richard 66


ICTWSS (Institutional Characteristics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State Intervention and Social Pacts) 55
IG BCE (Industrial Union Mining, Chemicals, Energy, Germany) 118, 119, 122, 130
IG Metall (Germany) 102, 103, 119, 130
Iliffe, Steve 143
ILO (International Labour Organization) 43, 44, 4849, 48n1, 53, 198199, 208n3
incorporated comparison 1113, 1314, 17, 67, 91, 133
Independent and Civil Servants’ Union Centre (CSIF) (Spain) 157, 162
India 26, 3132, 35, 56, 58, 73, 76n4, 85, 208, 209, 210, 211
industrialization 32, 50, 134135, 174, 177, 178179, 199
see also deindustrialization
industrial relations 34, 160
industrial sector
data 4950, 50, 51, 134
shifts in 198199
strikes in 26, 52, 9798, 163
unions in 94, 94
inflation 25, 2829, 30, 46, 210
insourcing 75, 77
interest rates 31, 38, 39, 41, 134
International Labour Organization see ILO (International Labour Organization)
International Women’s Day 175, 182, 189, 197
International Women’s Strike 182
see also feminist general strikes (Spain)
interrupted services dilemma 148, 166
Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya 189
Intersindical — Confederació Sindical Catalana 189
interviews 215216
Ireland 74, 155, 212
Israel 26
Italy 52, 76, 171, 182
Izquierda Unida (Spain) 186


Japan 58
Jessop, Bob 5, 24n2, 6061
Johnson, Boris 41
Johnson government (Britain) 44, 47, 137
journalists see media
junior doctors’ strike (Britain)
about 59, 142147, 145, 147149, 149151
comparison 201, 201
constituencies 147
demands 147, 149
mobilizing dynamics 149


Keynesianism, privatized 36, 38
Köhler, Holm-Detlev 164, 173, 174
Kohl government (Germany) 110
Krischer, Oliver 128
Kurz, Sebastian 41, 47


LAB (Nationalist Workers’ Commissions) (Spain) 157, 158
capital and 10, 36, 44
crisis of 26, 27, 43
as dead capital (zombie metaphor) 1920, 4243, 47
division of 3132, 6061
gender divisions and 175180
settlements between, and capital 24, 25, 25n3, 30
social partnership 98102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 124126
weakness of 4647
Labour Party (Britain)
about 27, 3435, 37, 45
public sector strikes under 86, 146
unions and 135136
Lafontaine, Oskar 106
Las Kellys (Spain) 196, 196n15
la Transición (Spain) 92, 92n1, 137, 152, 157, 159, 161, 165166
Latvia 58
Lehman Brothers 39
Lenin, V.I. 135
liberal collectivism 134135, 136
liberalism 910, 25n3, 2728, 2930, 34n7, 46, 108, 133135
Lowry, L.S. 198, 199200
Lufthansa 6, 76n4, 108, 193
Lukashenko regime (Belarus) 87, 192
Luque Balbona, David 155n5, 159, 171, 172
Luxemburg, Rosa 65, 79n5, 81, 83, 85n6, 124


Macri government (Argentina) 86
The Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 67, 206
Major government (Britain) 34, 136
Mandelson, Peter 3536
Manifesto of the Communist Party (Marx and Engels) 176, 178
mapping 13, 14, 17, 18, 6667, 70, 206209
Marburger Bund (Germany) 104, 121
marea blanca see general strikes (Spain)
marea verde see general strikes (Spain)
about 22
free markets 10, 22, 30, 33, 34, 35, 4041, 45, 108, 141
global financial, creation of 28, 3031
Marx, Karl
on capital 19, 176, 177178, 179, 183
on class formation 132, 193194, 195, 197
on consumption-production relationship 5354
on modes of production 24, 6061, 131, 137
on slavery 179180
Mason, Paul 166
May government (Britain) 46, 137, 140
McMichael, Philip 4, 5, 1112, 13, 17
McMillan, MaryBe 81
bias 208n3
Germany, coverage in 119120, 123, 124, 128129
sampling of 67
Spain, coverage in 166
strike coverage 15
Mendez, Cándido 163
Merkel, Angela 115
Metcalfe, David 146n10
methodological Fordism 34, 200201, 204
migrants 26, 27, 49, 105, 172, 185
militant action see stoppages
miners see NUM (National Union of Mineworkers) (Britain)
Mitterrand government (France) 2930, 34
mobilizing dynamics
about 1617
comparison 201, 202203
feminist general strikes (Spain) 182, 188, 192, 193, 196
general strikes (Spain) 163, 166, 170, 171, 174175, 193, 196
junior doctors’ strike (Britain) 149
railway strikes (Germany) 113, 115, 123, 126, 130
mode of intervention code 212
mode of production see capitalist mode of production
Modi, Narendra 41
Modi government (India) 76n4
Montoya, Nuria 169
Moody, Kim 49, 50, 88
mortgages 36, 3839, 139, 153154
mostly economic code 70, 7172, 72, 73, 7475, 211
see also collective bargaining strikes ; extension strikes
mostly political code 70, 71, 72, 72, 211212
see also strikes for political aims
Müller, Franziska 66


Nahles, Andrea 115, 119, 121
National Association of Education Professionals (Spain) 157
National Confederation of Work (CNT) (Spain) 157, 186
National Health Service see NHS (National Health Service) (Britain)
Nationalist Workers’ Commissions (LAB) (Spain) 157, 158
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) 3738
National Union of Mineworkers see NUM (National Union of Mineworkers) (Britain)
National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers see RMT (National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers)
about 2123, 29
assumptions of 1920, 21, 22, 78, 133, 135
Britain, in 134, 136137, 138
class-based strikes and 8485
collapse of 4043
crisis faced by see organic crisis
Germany, in 105106, 111, 114, 117, 130131
progressive 33, 3536, 37
unions and 2223, 3738, 51, 7879
about 24n2, 55
inequality caused by 3133
labour, impact of on 23, 37, 77, 78, 134, 136137
push towards 103, 105106, 160
strikes against 58, 88, 117, 184, 191
Netherlands 58
Neumann, Manuel 66
new left 27
new realism 3435
new right 29, 30, 33, 34, 36
news media see media
The New York Times 67, 206
New Zealand 58
NGG (Food, Beverages and Catering Union) (Germany) 119120
NHS (National Health Service) (Britain) 141142
see also junior doctors’ strike (Britain)
Nigeria 32
Northern Rock mortgage bank (Britain) 38, 139
Norway 58, 75
Nowak, Jörg 70, 209, 215
NUM (National Union of Mineworkers) (Britain) 32, 33, 51, 136
NUMSA (National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa) 3738


OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) 55, 57, 106, 199
O’Grady, Frances 145
Orbán, Viktor 41
order of knowledge 61, 62
organic code 70, 71, 72, 72, 82
see also class-based strikes
organic crisis
about 2324, 4143, 42n8
management of 20, 3840
responses to 24n2
symptoms of 4547
organic strikes 83, 85, 88, 139, 140141, 152, 162, 170, 194195, 197, 211
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development see OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
organized labour see unions
Osborne, George 140
outsourcing 50, 76, 76n4, 77
#outsourcingmustfall 76, 77
ownership of means of production code 213
Oxfam 44, 183
όχι referendum (Greece) 39, 86


Páez, Chiara 180
Página/12 (Buenos Aires) 67, 206, 208
pandemic see COVID-19 pandemic
Panitch, Leo 7, 7374, 88, 95, 132, 137138, 203
Parfitt, Steven 150151
Partido Popular see PP (Partido Popular) (Spain)
Party of Democratic Socialism (Germany) 37, 106
patriarchal domination 175180, 184185, 193194, 197
see also class domination
Peck, Jamie 19
People’s Party (Spain) see PP (Partido Popular) (Spain)
Pérez, Lucía 180
Pilot agreements 100
DGB (German Trade Union Confederation) and 104, 121
as privileged workers 6, 74, 193, 210
strikes by 6, 7, 76n4, 115, 212
Pinochet dictatorship (Chile) 26, 32
Platzeck, Matthias 120
Podemos party (Spain) 45, 173, 186
Poland 7576, 85, 180181, 211
polarization 10, 41, 4546, 118
The Political Economy of the Welfare State (Gough) 62
political fix 31
political in a narrow sense code see mostly political code
political strikes see strikes for political aims
Portugal 27, 39, 86, 171, 171n8, 212
postal workers 59, 7677, 76n4, 108, 123, 210
Poulantzas, Nicos 54, 57, 60, 6365
PP (Partido Popular) (Spain) 45, 165, 168, 172, 186, 189
Priest, Jan 16
private sector
public sector, compared to 5657, 6162, 78, 94, 138139, 213
public services by 54, 133, 142
privatized Keynesianism 36, 38
producers 5354, 63, 65
product fix 31
productivist cycles 25, 105, 107
progressive neoliberalism 33, 3536, 37
proletarianisation fix 31
PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party) 157, 159, 161, 165, 186, 187
public debt 28. 39, 40, 139140, 154155
Público (Madrid) 67, 206
public purse dilemma 148
public sector
about 5559, 56, 57, 58
austerity measures in 58, 66
expansive-politicized strikes and 7882
private sector, compared to 5657, 6162, 78, 94, 138139, 213
working-class formation in 5963
see also service and public sectors


qualitative research 11, 16, 6672, 69, 72, 212213
quantitative research 5, 911, 6869


Railway and Transport Union (Germany) see EVG (Railway and Transport Union) (Germany)
railway strikes (Germany)
2007–8 wave 114116
2014–16 wave 116124, 117
2021 strike wave 126130, 128
class formation and 130132
comparison 201, 201
constituencies see constituencies
demands see demands
mobilizing dynamics see mobilizing dynamics
see also Germany
Rajoy government (Spain) 86, 159, 168, 170, 173, 187, 190
Ramelow, Bodo 120
Rand Corporation 34n7
Reagan administration (US) 29, 32, 34, 44
Real Democracy Now (Spain) 165
red-green coalition (Germany) 24n2, 105106
regime of ownership 62
relations of production see capitalist relations of production
about 6
incorporated comparison 1113, 1314, 17, 67, 91, 133
limitations of 911
methodological Fordism 34, 200201, 204
qualitative research 11, 16, 6672, 69, 72, 212213
quantitative research 5, 911, 6869
snowball approach 207, 213
Reyes, Patricia 186n12
Riexinger, Bernd 119
RMT (National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers) 7, 37, 112
Rose, Sonya O. 178
Russell, Bertrand 198
Russia 58, 79n5
Ryanair 74, 212


Samaras government (Greece) 86
Sánchez government (Spain) 159, 187, 189
Sanders, Bernie 45, 47
Schäfer, Jakob 122
Schmidt, Rudi 114
Scholz, Olaf 45, 47, 103n5
Schröder, Bianca (interviewee) 123124, 216
Schröder, Gerhard 3536
Schröder government (Germany) 24n2, 30, 103, 105106, 107, 117
sectors see agricultural sector ; industrial sector ; public sector ; service and public sectors ; service sector
SED (East German Socialist Unity Party) 106
selection bias 6, 89, 57n4, 6768, 208
service and public sectors
about 5455
strikes in 52, 67, 7374, 97, 116117, 163164, 173
unions in 102103
working-class formation in 6365, 7778, 203, 204
service sector
about 48, 5355
data 49, 50
goods, and production of 5354
public employees as belonging to 5355
strikes in 52, 5354, 59, 67, 7374, 75, 95, 97
unions in 94
Serwotka, Mark 145
Silver, Beverly 32, 50, 66, 198199, 200, 206
Sinn, Hans-Werner 105n7
slavery 179180
snowball approach 207, 213
social base of unions 15, 130, 161, 186
Social Democratic Party see SPD (Social Democratic Party) (Germany)
socialism 24n2, 30, 34, 34n7, 45, 99n3
social pacts 156, 159160, 164165, 170
social partnership 98102, 103, 104105, 107, 108, 124126
exclusive 107. 114, 115, 193194, 209
expansive 1617, 74, 193194, 204
Solidary of Basque Workers (ELA) (Spain) 157, 158
Soskice, David 4
South Africa
collective action in 26, 73, 7677, 79, 208, 208n3
COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions) 3738, 79
The Mail & Guardian 67, 206
neoliberalism in 35, 3738
NUMSA (National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa) 3738
public sector 56, 58
strikes in 7677, 79
union activity in 58
working class formation in 77, 205
South African Communist Party 38
South Korea 32
sovereign debt crisis 39, 92, 106107, 152153, 155160, 184, 202
SoZ 124
about 14
austerity measures 154155, 160162
deindustrialization in 9196
double-dip recession 153154
feminist general strikes see feminist general strikes (Spain)
Franco regime 92n1, 156, 157, 159
general strikes see feminist general strikes (Spain) ; general strikes (Spain)
labour relations in 155161, 162
la Transición 92, 92n1, 137, 152, 157, 159, 161, 165166
media coverage 166
Público 67, 206
public sector 56, 57
social pacts 156, 159160, 164165, 170
strike activity in (overview) 59, 86, 95, 96, 96, 152153, 156
union activity in (overview) 92, 93, 94, 94, 95, 95, 156160, 158
see also Rajoy government (Spain) ; Sánchez government (Spain) ; Zapatero government (Spain) ; specific unions (e.g., CC.OO, CGT, UGT)
Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party see PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party)
spatial fix 31, 50
SPD (Social Democratic Party) (Germany) 35, 37, 45, 103, 103n5, 106, 110, 120121
stagflation 2526
stagnation 25, 52, 105, 114, 159
stamocap (state monopoly capitalism) 5
state service see service and public sectors
Amazon 7576
Britain 77, 137138
examples of 7, 9, 26, 74, 80, 8587
see also strikes
class effects of see class effects
class formation and see class formation
contradictions surrounding 10, 17, 112113, 123
data 52
patterns of 7172, 72
public sector 5859
service and public sectors 52, 67, 7374, 97, 116117, 163164, 173
service sector 52, 5354, 59, 67, 7374, 75, 95, 97
stoppages see stoppages
tertiarization of 52, 116, 163164, 173
see also feminist general strikes (Spain) ; general strikes (Spain) ; junior doctors’ strike (Britain) ; railway strikes (Germany)
strikes for political aims 72, 72, 87
see also mostly political code
subprime mortage crisis (US) 38
about 49, 1213, 16
avoiding 72, 112, 201, 210, 212
Šumonja, Miloš 46
surplus value, production of relative 25, 60, 62, 6365, 105, 177178
Sweden 58
Switzerland 75
SYRIZA party (Greece) 39, 45, 86


Tarifritual 100
Taylor, Frederick 2426
taz 128129
Tbilisi 80
technological fix 31
tertiarization 52, 116, 163164, 173
Thatcher government (Britain)
about 44, 44n9
neoliberalism of 29, 3435, 36
NHS (National Health Services) and 141
unions and 32, 33, 51, 92, 134, 136, 203
workers, division of 23
Tiefensee, Wolfgang 114
The Times of India 67, 76n4, 206, 208
Toxo, Ignacio 163, 170
trade agreements 21, 84
Trades Union Congress see TUC (Trades Union Congress) (Britain)
Transnet (Germany) 111, 115, 124125, 130131, 164
tripartism 99, 101102, 107, 156, 158159
Troika 39, 86, 154, 155, 161
Trump, Donald 41, 44, 45, 47
Trump administration (US) 41, 181, 182
Tseng, David 208n3
Tsipras government (Greece) 39
TUC (Trades Union Congress) (Britain) 135136, 137, 145146, 150
Turkey 29
type of country code 212


Uber 75
UCU (University and College Union) (Britain) 150151
UGT (General Union of Workers of Spain)
about 152n1, 157, 158
austerity measures, responses to 162
general strikes 168169, 170171, 187
social pact 160, 164
COVID-19, due to 43
global crisis of 2526
rates of 154
Unidas Podemos (Spain) 159, 187
Union of Beamten and Beamten Candidates at Deutsche Bundesbahn (GDBA) 110, 111, 115
Union of German Train Drivers see GDL (Union of German Train Drivers)
Union of Railway Workers of Germany see GdED (Union of Railway Workers of Germany)
COVID-19, impact of on 4344
density of 55, 58, 58, 62n5, 9195, 92n1, 93, 94, 95, 136138
legislation against 32, 120, 131132, 136
neoliberalism and 2223, 3738, 51, 7879
social base of 15, 130, 161, 186
see also specific unions (e.g., DGB, EVG, CC.OO, UGT)
Unions of Education Workers (Spain) 157
Unison (Britain) 135, 145
Unite (Britain) 135, 145, 147, 216
Unite the Resistance (Britain) 145
Unity of Collective Bargaining Act (Germany) 127129, 132
Unterbau (Germany) 103n6
US (United States)
Bretton Woods system 28, 28n5, 29
feminist mass protests in 181, 182
liberalism in 10
public sector 56, 57
racism in 27
slavery in 179180
strike activity in 58, 8081
subprime mortgage crisis 38
unemployment 25
union activity in 58
see also Reagan administration
USO (Workers’ Trade Union) (Spain) 157, 158


van der Linden, Marcel 9596
Varela, Paula 181
Varieties of Capitalism (Hall and Soskice) 4
Vassiliadis, Michael 118
VC (Vereinigung Cockpit) (Germany) 6, 7, 76n4, 104, 115, 121, 193
ver.di (Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft) (Germany) 75, 102103, 118, 119120, 121122, 123124
Vereinigung Cockpit see VC (Vereinigung Cockpit) (pilots’ union)
Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft see ver.di (Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft)
Videla dictatorship (Argentina) 26
Vox party (Spain) 45, 189


wages 9, 55, 56
Wagner, Franz Josef 128
Walmart 80
Washington consensus 30, 41
Weselsky, Claus 112, 116, 119, 127, 128, 132
West Germany 2526, 92n1, 98, 99, 99n3, 104105, 108109, 110, 179
see also Germany
Wetzel, Detlef 118
white wave (marea blanca) (Spain) see general strikes (Spain)
privately employed 55, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 86
publicly employed 53, 5455, 57, 5759, 59, 6063, 6465
see also strikes ; unions
Workers’ Commissions, Spain see CC.OO (Workers’ Commissions, Spain)
Workers’ Trade Union (USO) (Spain) 157, 158
working-class formation
public sector, in 5963
service and public sectors, in 6365, 7778, 203, 204
see also class formation


Zapatero government (Spain) 154155, 160161, 162, 165, 166, 173
Zelik, Raul 1920, 172, 174
zombie metaphor 1920, 4243, 47
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