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to identify areas that should be the focus of future research: 1) occupational or industry-specific studies to capture new forms of working; 2) the development of nationally representative Work and health in India 250 prospective cohort studies of the work environment and health; and 3) greater multidisciplinary dialogue. As was noted in a number of chapters in the book, the Indian economy is becoming more diversified as new industries and forms of working emerge. It is crucial therefore that researchers examine what the working conditions are for these new

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socioeconomic groups. However, studies from India documented higher prevalence of these diseases among economically better off groups. Our analyses were primarily among the working population. A comparative study among working and non-working population and industry specific studies will be helpful. In the next chapter (Chapter 8), Vijayantee and Kameanabhan examine a typical industry study of stress and health drawing from Indian police. That poor work conditions are detrimental to health is also shown in Chapters 9 and 11. Work and health in India 148 It should also

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The rapid economic growth of the past few decades has radically transformed India’s labour market, bringing millions of former agricultural workers into manufacturing industries, and, more recently, the expanding service industries, such as call centres and IT companies.

Alongside this employment shift has come a change in health and health problems, as communicable diseases have become less common, while non-communicable diseases, like cardiovascular problems, and mental health issues such as stress, have increased.

This interdisciplinary work connects those two trends to offer an analysis of the impact of working conditions on the health of Indian workers that is unprecedented in scope and depth.

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