133 FIVE Leadership and leadership development This chapter deals with leadership and leadership development, which are key matters in policing (Adlam and Villiers, 2003). There is an immense literature on leadership of varying quality and in different disciplines, along with a range of popular books, courses and gurus informing people how to become a successful leader. Yet ‘leadership’ remains one of the fuzziest concepts in social sciences. A leading authority in the area, Manfred Kets de Vries (of INSEAD, the prime European business school), once
81 Leadership TEN Leadership More leaders have been made by accident, circumstance, sheer grit or will than have been made by all the leadership courses put together. (Warren Bennis) One of the hallmarks of effective leadership in this century will be the capacity to learn and adapt quickly. Years of experience will no longer be enough – and, in some cases, may prove a hindrance…. A winning characteristic of the new generation of leaders will be its commitment to personal learning and the ability to generate a ‘buzz’ about learning throughout their
1 CHAPTER 1 Introducing leadership Writing, advice and training on leadership are growing at such a rate that the ‘field’ of leadership is better described as a tropical jungle. The plants (ideas, books, practices) are growing very vigorously, with more information being produced than could be read by a single person in a lifetime. Theories, concepts and ideas about leadership create such a thick undergrowth that it can be hard to hack your way through. It is not that any particular theory is difficult; it is just that there are so many of them, competing
Bringing together eminent International Relations (IR) scholars from China and the West, this book examines moral realism from a range of different perspectives. Through its analyses, it verifies the robustness of moral realism in IR theory.
The first section of the book is written by Chinese scholars and dedicated to debates about how moral realism relates to traditional schools of IR theory. The latter portion, provided by Western contributors, critically investigates both the universal and practical values of moral realism. Finally, Yan Xuetong concludes by responding constructively to all criticisms and further exploring the nature and characteristics of interstate leadership in moral realism.
The intensive major power rivalry, the increasing uncertainty of international relations, the decline of democracy, the prevailing deglobalization, the devastating impacts of pandemics, and many other emerging global issues are becoming daunting. In the wake of these escalating challenges, there is a need for robust international leadership, which unfortunately is absent. Regarding the global spread of pandemics, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), notes that the major threat we are facing now is not from the
It is vital for healthcare leaders to have a clear sense of which leadership ideas and practices are rooted in sound theory and convincing evidence, and which are more speculative. This book provides a coherent set of six lenses through which to scrutinise the leadership literature relevant to healthcare - leadership concepts, characteristics, contexts, challenges, capabilities and consequences. It offers a view of leadership beyond the traditional focus on the individual, and argues instead that leadership has to be understood and developed as a complex set of practices by many people within specific organisational and inter-organisational contexts and cultures.
Chapter objectives Good public services must have effective management and strong leadership to meet current needs and anticipate future demand. Demand for public services is increasing and changing while budgets are rising slowly, if at all. To meet these challenges, public services are working in new ways. They engage with the public differently, adopt new technologies and develop collaborations. These collaborations often cross boundaries within and between organisations and increasingly involve the private sector. These changes frequently effect
109 CHAPTER 5 Place-based leadership Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will not, themselves, be realised. Make big plans, aim high in hope and work… Daniel H. Burnham, Chicago, 1909. Quoted in Carl Smith, The Plan of Chicago, 2006 Introduction Civic leadership is place-based, meaning that those exercising decision-making power have a concern for the communities living in a particular place. But what does place-based leadership involve? How can it be conceptualised? Can we have too much place-based leadership? In this
295 TWELVE Four leadership roles ‘Courage comes from the willingness to “die,” to go forth into an unknown territory that begins to manifest only after you dare to step into that void. That is the essence of leadership.’ (C. Otto Scharmer, senior lecturer, MIT, 2007, p 401) As New York State Associate Commissioner of Education, Sheila Evans-Tranumn was among the highest-ranking African American women in US state government. As the first academic in her family (she has a double major in English and mathematics), she represents a remarkable story of
111 CHAPTER 8 Leadership development In this chapter: The implications of this review for how leaders and leadership are developed are examined. We return to the ‘Warwick Six C Leadership Framework’ and use each of the elements to inform thinking and practice about leadership development, drawing on the previous chapters on concepts, characteristics, contexts, challenges, capabilities and consequences and using these to critically think about, design and evaluate leadership development practices. The chapter defines leadership development and presents a