As Goetz ( 2016 ) argues, there is limited research on social housing tenants’ resistance to redevelopment and this chapter contributes towards addressing that deficit. 1 It begins by analysing housing activism with reference to council housing, and situates the recent crop of estate-based anti-demolition campaigns in relation to earlier anti-stock-transfer campaigns. The following section highlights campaigners’ ‘novice’ status in terms of housing politics. The impacts of collective resistance are then examined, first under what I have termed the ‘paradox of
121 SIX Resistance or resilience? Resiliency is like a muscle … that must be developed in advance and consistently exercised [to] be both strong enough to withstand severe challenges and flexible enough to handle a wide range of unpredictable forces.1 Chapter Five argued that time bank theory and practice needs to be more explicit about the value of time, the use value at the core of time bank practices. It further illustrated that time banking can be co-opted into government narratives because the surface value of time, as a measure of volunteering
The recognition of the resistance to poverty complements the recognition of needs, knowledge and pain. Recognising the resistance of people to their poverty encapsulates the tense relationship between people and their context. It presents people as having agency and as active in their struggle against poverty, and, at the same time, it presents their limiting, constraining living context. When the relationship between the two elements – the people and their context – is viewed through the lens of ‘resistance’, it can be seen to be marked by deep discomfort
and film’ (Williams, 1976, p. 80). This chapter examines the cuts which the Conservative Liberal-Democrat Coalition (2010–15) and the following two Conservative governments have administered to culture in this narrower but ‘most widespread use’. It will assess their consequences for British society and appraise the effectiveness of the resistance put up by various agents and actors. The field of education will be included as far as the teaching of music and the various arts are concerned. Compared to the havoc austerity politics has wreaked on the income and
practices offer a window through which the changing institutional environment, values and strategies that constitute academic work can be explored (see Tusting et al, 2019). These writing practices are, in part, professional (assembled within wider disciplinary networks) and, in part, institutional (assembled through immediate university affiliations and employment), and while we did not ask directly, we expect our data to be able to tell us something about resistance and complicity. We interviewed people several times, exploring their practices, their life histories
Our book details and documents the impact of austerity governance on a selection of cities. Yet for some commentators, cities and urban spaces remain the ‘new theatres of struggle’ in our contemporary condition ( Hamel, 2014 ). This chapter critically assesses the forms of social and political resistance that emerged across the eight cities in our study. Building on themes introduced in Chapters 1 and 2 , it argues that cities serve as crucibles for a diverse set of political contestations, responses and initiatives, but they exhibit differential capacities
journeys I explore here is that they are often grappling with stigma originating in gender, ethnicity and social class, and which is therefore based on identity characteristics that are simultaneously in/visible. In this chapter, I examine the effect of these intersections, as I explore their response, once again focusing specifically on alumni of social mobility programmes who have attempted to secure a front-office graduate job. I have already explained that some opt out though this is often a forced choice and withdrawal is not of course resistance in itself
141 Critical and Radical Social Work • vol 2 • no 2 • 141–58 • © Policy Press 2014 • #CRSW Print ISSN 2049 8608 • Online ISSN 2049 8675 • article Activist resistance in neoliberal times: stories from Canada Avery Calhoun,1 Maureen G Wilson, University of Calgary, Canada Elizabeth Whitmore, Carleton University, Canada Neoliberal efforts to extend the impact of the market on social life have been ongoing for several decades – and so has