Making or buying evidence: using transaction cost economics to understand decision making in public school districts

Zachary Neal Michigan State University, USA

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Jennifer Watling Neal Michigan State University, USA

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Kristen Mills Michigan State University, USA

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Jennifer Lawlor Michigan State University, USA

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We propose transaction cost economics theory as a tool for exploring when school administrators rely on information from two types of sources: internal sources like their own colleagues, and external sources like researchers and government agencies. The theory’s application is illustrated in a comparative case study of two public school districts in Michigan. Consistent with the theory’s predictions, the smaller, homogeneous, high-performing district used more external sources of information, while the larger, diverse, low-performing district used internal sources of information. We conclude by identifying some strengths and limitations of the theory, which can serve as starting points for debate.

Zachary Neal Michigan State University, USA

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Jennifer Watling Neal Michigan State University, USA

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Kristen Mills Michigan State University, USA

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Jennifer Lawlor Michigan State University, USA

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Evidence & Policy
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