Just Google it: measuring schools’ use of research evidence with internet search results

Zachary Neal Michigan State University, USA

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Jennifer Lawlor Michigan State University, USA

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Jennifer Watling Neal Michigan State University, USA

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Kristen Mills Michigan State University, USA

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Kathryn McAlindon Michigan State University, USA

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Measuring the use of research evidence (URE) by schools has become a central focus of education researchers. However, it has proven challenging due to low response rates, social desirability bias, and costly or time-consuming data collection methods. To overcome these challenges and meet the needs of research focused on URE, this paper introduces a non-reactive archival measure: Archival Search of Use of Research Evidence (ASURE). ASURE counts references to research or evidence on a school’s or school district’s website to capture the extent of its rhetorical use of research evidence. After illustrating the collection of ASURE in all public school districts in Michigan (N = 595), we use data on these districts to show that ASURE is reliable and valid, and thus offers a promising new strategy for measuring URE in schools. We conclude by considering future steps for exploring ASURE, not simply as a measure of URE in schools, but instead as a measurement strategy for assessing URE in a broad range of organisational contexts.

Zachary Neal Michigan State University, USA

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Jennifer Lawlor Michigan State University, USA

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Jennifer Watling Neal Michigan State University, USA

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Kristen Mills Michigan State University, USA

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Kathryn McAlindon Michigan State University, USA

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Zachary Neal is an Associate Editor at Evidence & Policy but he had no role in the handling, review or acceptance of this paper.

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