Towards a geography of people poverty and place poverty

Martin Powell Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath, UK

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George Boyne Public Services Research Unit, Cardiff University, UK

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Rachel Ashworth Public Services Research Unit, Cardiff University, UK

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Much of the focus on the geography of poverty relates to ‘people poverty’, the geography of private income, or income proxy measures. In contrast to a sole emphasis on the geography of people poverty, this article broadens the debate to include the relatively neglected aspect of place poverty. It discusses the conceptual differences between people poverty and place poverty, and then provides an illustration of the differences between their geographical distribution in England. The results of this primary analysis suggest that the geography of people and place poverty appear to be quite different.

Martin Powell Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath, UK

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George Boyne Public Services Research Unit, Cardiff University, UK

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Rachel Ashworth Public Services Research Unit, Cardiff University, UK

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